andrews CWH120/200 Installation Manual, Operation And Maintenance Manual Download Page 36








1. Select low load with the - button. When the actual burner capacity is above 25% the



percentage can be measured and set.

2. Measure the CO


percentage and check it against table 1 (page 32). The CO


percentage can be adjusted using the

Low Load

Setscrew (B) (2mm Alan Key) on the

gas regulation unit, see Fig. 13. The CO


percentage can be increased by turning the

setscrew to the right.

3. Check the CO


percentage at full load again, if there is another adjustment at full load

check it at low load again.

4. Press the reset button. A new burner module can now be selected using

the + and - buttons. The heater is brought into operation again by repeatedly pressing
on the - button until C00 appears in the display. Press the reset button again and the
display switches back to normal.


Turn the electricity supply off. Then turn off the gas tap in the supply pipe. The water
heater must be empty when there is a risk of freezing. Please note: if the electricity supply
remains switched off for a long period the self test of the control no longer works. This
happens once every 24 hours and activates pumps momentarily to prevent the pumps
from sticking, amongst other things.

MAXXflo_Manual_Dec08_QX2  12/1/09  1:13 pm  Page 37

Summary of Contents for CWH120/200

Page 1: ... a nd P rop a ne N a tu ra l G a s Mod e ls CW H3 0 1 0 0 CW H3 0 2 0 0 CW H3 0 3 0 0 CW H6 0 2 0 0 CW H6 0 3 0 0 CW H9 0 2 0 0 CW H9 0 3 0 0 CW H1 2 0 2 0 0 CW H1 2 0 3 0 0 P rop a n e Mod e ls L CW H3 0 1 0 0 L CW H3 0 2 0 0 L CW H3 0 3 0 0 L CW H6 0 2 0 0 L CW H6 0 3 0 0 L CW H9 0 2 0 0 L CW H9 0 3 0 0 L CW H1 2 0 2 0 0 L CW H1 2 0 3 0 0 This manual must be kept with the appliance J a n 2 0 0 9...

Page 2: or m alfu nc tion c au sed as a resu lt of interv ention b y u nau thorised personnel T he Andrews Water Heaters polic y is one of c ontinu ou s produ c t im prov em ent and therefore the inform ation in this m anu al whilst c om pletely u p to date at the tim e of pu b lic ation m ay b e su b jec t to rev ision withou t prior notic e F u rther inform ation and assistanc e c an b e ob tained fr...

Page 3: ...native Flue Systems CWH 30 60 20 Standard Flue System D imensions CWH 30 60 21 Flue Systems CWH 90 120 22 Alternative Flue Systems CWH 90 120 23 Standard Flue System D imensions CWH 90 120 24 Flue System Positions and D istances 25 Flue System Horiz ontal and V ertical Terminations 26 Air Supply and V entilation Concentric Flue Systems 27 Air Supply and V entilation Concentric and Conventional Flu...

Page 4: ...ldings and their curtilages This standard supersedes the following British Standards and Codes of Practice CP99 CP310 CP324 202 CP342 Part 2 Centralised Hot Water Supply BS 5440 1990 Installation of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated output not exceeding 60kW Part 1 Specification for installation of flues Part 2 Specification for installation of ventilation for gas appliances BS 554...

Page 5: ... user It is imperative that all users of the heater must be provided with all the information and instruction necessary to ensure correct and safe operation Water systems in buildings have been associated with outbreaks of Legionnaires Disease particularly in health care facilities where occupants are significantly more susceptible to infection In recognition of the risks in hospitals a Code of Pr...

Page 6: ... 0 litre W e ig h t fu ll 10 0 litre W e ig h t fu ll 2 0 0 litre W e ig h t fu ll 30 0 litre S h ip p in g w e ig h t 10 0 litre S h ip p in g w e ig h t 2 0 0 litre S h ip p in g w e ig h t 30 0 litre S h ip p in g d e p th S h ip p in g w id th S h ip p in g h e ig h t 10 0 litre S h ip p in g h e ig h t 2 0 0 litre S h ip p in g h e ig h t 30 0 litre 6 7 31 1 k W 6 0 2 8 0 k W 6 5 30 5 k W 2 9...

Page 7: ...3 4 GA IN ET DRAIN AC ESS AT R S PPLY H T 1 RE URN COLD ED 35mm N H E CAN BE RO NOTE 18 2 f r flue il W 3 1 0 se 8 5 m dia eter con en ric flue components T AP 45 838 300 IDEAL S RVICE CE ONS 300 300 m EA ER NSP 589 84 0 3 4 7 1188 2 87 509 1000 Hea ter Dim en s io n s Model CWH3 100 11 2 ...

Page 8: ...ric flue components TO DRAIN 2 T O TS PI S 31 152 200 LI RE ANK 50 300 ID C DIMENSIONS E E EATER 602 1000 300 400 H L E R R S PP Y T 1 RE URN COLD FEED 2 TUNDISHES SUPP IED 3 4 GAS INLET 28 m T O TL TS PI T SU ED 300 ICE R DIMEN IONS LEA ATER F 1000 300 HO L W SUPPL T 1 RETURN COLD FEED PLAN VIEW MODEL CWH30 200 60 200 PLAN VIEW MODEL CWH90 200 120 200 932 900 719 265 205 H ater Dimensions Models ...

Page 9: ...ts NOTE See a es 18 to 26 for flue details 35 m R T IN 480 1 H S 3 G S I LET 2 T P PI OT SUPPLIED 300 IDEAL SERVI E E 0m E HEATER F K I N 300 HORIZ NTAL FL ATER S PP Y T 1 RE URN COLD ED 2 T S SU 3 4 AS INLET 28 P T SUPPLIED 300 ID ICE DI NS VE 500mm HE TER T NK INS 300 HORI ONTAL F BE 360 WA ER SUPPLY O 1 R TURN OLD D TO RAIN 932 719 686 626 Heater Dimensions Mo e s CWH30 300 CWH60 300 CWH90 300 ...

Page 10: ...ep t at the set water heater tem p eratu re u sing p u m p m odu lation A n im p ortant adv antage of b ringing the heat transfer from ou tside the tank is that the ou tp u t is not influ enced b y the tem p eratu res that p rev ail in the tank A s long as draw off occu rs the water from the b ottom of the tank to the heat ex changer is alm ost the sam e as the su p p ly cold water tem p eratu re ...

Page 11: ...s 4 5 and 6 for details The heater must not be installed in any location which contains a bed bath or shower There must be easy access to the water heater room and heater at all times The water heater must be located in an area where leakage from the tank water connections or the combination temperature and safety valve will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the water heater When such l...

Page 12: not recommend the use of Galvanised pipework due to issues such as galvanic attack British Standard BS6644 The has a number of copper and brass components C3 The cold water connection and the hot water connection can be found on the top of the appliance see Fig 1a and 1b An extra connection is available for the benefit of a circulation line Please note that a stop valve should be fitted in the ...

Page 13: access Cover removable for service Tank drain Condense drain Condense trap Flue Mains feed unvented kit HWS Return Return pump Gas Cold feed Control panel Cover removable for service Tundish Tank cleaning access Cover removable for service Tank drain Condense drain Flue Condense trap T P relief valve TYPICAL INSTALLATION Fig 1a Fig 1b CWH30 CWH6 0 CWH9 0 CWH12 0 ...

Page 14: ...LL AN D E M P T Y LP G CY LIN D E R S AN D CAR T R ID G E S Also please note that for Propane the minimum dynamic gas pressure to the unit must not fall below 37 mbar G AS SUPPLY NATURAL GAS The installation of the gas supply must conform depending on it s size to the requirements of British Standards and Codes of Practice listed in Section 1 of this manual A gas meter will be connected to the ser...

Page 15: p ro v id e a m in o f 37 m b a r a t th e a p p lia n c e P ig ta il A sse m b ly A u to m a tic c h a n g e o v e r d e v ic e N ip p le R e g u la to r n o rm a lly fitte d a t ta n k F ro m b u lk S u p p ly In sta lla tio n o f P ro p a n e su p p ly H e a v y S te e l S le e v e d P ip e T h ro u g h W a ll H e a v y S te e l S le e v e d P ip e T h ro u g h W a ll G a s e m e rg e n c y ...

Page 16: ...ction of the supply shall have a contact separation of 3mm on all poles The point of connection to the mains electricity supply should be readily accessible and adjacent to the appliance A terminal block can be found above the control panel Fig 4 This becomes accessible by first removing the front cover Maximum Electrical Loading Model Ty pe W atts A mps 30 kW 170 0 74 60 kW 340 1 48 9 0 kW 5 10 2...

Page 17: ...n green gy grey or orange br bl BT1 BT2 LS1 LS2 TH1 TH2 L N br bl br bl br r red wh whi te bk blac k pi pi nk bl bk pi or f low sensor 2 f low sensor 1 return sensor slav e 1 f an i oni sati on rod gasv alv e pri mary pump glow plug tank sensor low posi ti on mai ns 1 mai ns 2 mai ns 3 mai ns 4 pump pumpL sec ondary pump pumpN 25 10 06 M5879D wh Max24 V 1 0 Amp E g y g y green yellow EN1 EN2 tank ...

Page 18: ...on if the temperature is higher at the measuring point than the secondary pre set water heater temperature minus 5ºC for 20 minutes If for example the secondary pre set water heater temperature is set at 70ºC the water heater temperature returns back to normal operation as soon as the temperature at the secondary measuring point has been above 65ºC for more than 20 minutes A circulation pump maxim...

Page 19: ...INSTALLATION SECTION 3 17 HWST TANK DIMENSIONS Fig 7 WIRING DIAGRAM Fig 8 Empty Weight HWST 200 HWST 300 120 kg 140 kg ...

Page 20: ... should be positioned where it will not cause a nuisance from noise or from the combustion products accumulating Please contact Andrews s technical department if advice is needed for a particular installation See drawings on page 25 If installed in a roof valley the terminal should be at least 1m above the highest part of the roof structure and 2 5m from any adjacent structure The terminal must be...

Page 21: ...Cut A2 Roof flashing plates and additional Vertical kits include the following A1 Roof outlet terminal with sealing clamp Part No E067 flue components are available 0 1 258 to suit wall thickness Minimum Service Standard Length Cut A2 Clearance With this application pipes must clear Add standard or cutable flue to improve access to tank top for inspection see page 35 Horizontal Flue Wall Plates Se...

Page 22: ... max 20M Conventional CWH30 max 14M Concentric CWH60 max 12M Concentric Condense Tap drain To O ver 1 5M use flue Condense trap 1 2M when using 90º bend 0 7M when using 45º bend and 1 5M when using condense trap For concentric flue runs reduce overall length by Minimum between V ertical terminals 1 5M 1 0 135 258 CWH30 max 50M Conventional CWH60 max 20M Conventional CWH30 max 14 M Concentric CWH60...

Page 23: ...ERMINAL C W WALL PLATES PART No E07 3 VERTICAL FLU E TERMINAL C W CLAMP COND ENSING PART No E067 ALL 80 125mm Ø CONCENTRIC FLU E Ø125 Ø80 COND ENSATE TRAP PART No E310 Ø123 124 185 20 Ø80 PART No E308 45º ELBOW C W CLAMP 200 Min Maintain dimension if flue is cut 20 290 570 1350 Ø 1 2 5 100 1 0 0 CWH30 CWH60 Standard Flue System Dimensions ...

Page 24: ...hing plates and additional V ertic al k its in c lude th e follow in g A1 Roof outlet terminal with sealing clamp Part No E670 flue components are available 0 1 1 0 Minimum Service Clearance 300 256 to suit wall thickness Minimum Service H oriz on tal K it Sealing Clamps A1 Wall Wall Plates Standard Length Cut A2 With this application pipes must clear Horizontal Flue Clearance 300 100 Add standard...

Page 25: ...ver 1 5M use flue condense trap 1 2M when using 90º bend 0 7M when using 45º bend 1 5M when using condense trap For concentric flue runs reduce overall length by 1 0 Minimum clearence between vertical balanced flue terminals Minimum clearence betweenbalanced flue horizontal terminals 600mm 1 5M 258 CWH90 max 50M Conventional CWH1 2 0 max 4 0M Conventional CWH90 and CWH1 2 0 max 1 4 M Concentric Pa...

Page 26: ...n if flue is cut P AR T N o E 216 4 5 º E L B OW C W C L AM P 300 300 VE R T IC AL F L U E T E R M IN AL C W C L AM P HOR IZ ON T AL T E R M IN AL C W W AL L P L AT E S P AR T N o E 24 0 Ø130 Ø200 970 670 20 Ø198 199 Ø130 220 220 Ø200 20 Ø198 199 Ø130 Ø200 185 20 200mm Min Ø130 Ø198 199 20 268 Ø32 Ø40 P AR T N O E 211 130 1 3 0 C ON D E N SE T R AP CWH90 CWH120 Standard Flue System Dimensions Pain...

Page 27: ... 300 H From vertical drain soil pipework 150 J From an internal or external corner 300 K From a surface or boundary facing the terminal 600 L Vertically from a terminal on the same wall 1500 M Horizontally from a terminal on the same wall 30 60 kW 300 90 120 kW 600 N From a terminal facing the terminal 1200 P From a opening in a carport e g door windows into the building 1200 Q Above roof 500 R Fr...

Page 28: ...STALLATION SECTION 3 26 FLUE SYSTEMS Horizontal termination Room sealed or conventional flue Vertical termination Room sealed or conventional flue Fig 10 NOTE See page 25 for positioning of flue terminals ...

Page 29: ...t Low Level 10cm2 per kW Net input 5cm2 per kW Net input In a Room or No Requirement for Ventilation Internal Space Note Both air vents must communicate w ith th e same room or internal space or must b oth b e on th e same w all to outside air Air vents should have negligible resistance and must not be sited in any position where they are likely to be easily blocked or flooded or in any position a...

Page 30: ...lowing notes are provided for general guidance only Ventilation shall prevent the heater environment from exceeding 32ºC 90ºF The purpose provided space in which the heater s are installed must have permanent air vents communicating directly with the outside air at high and low level Where communication with the outside air is possible only by means of high level air vents ducting down to floor le...

Page 31: ... shall be sited away from any extract fans Where an extract fan is fitted check for spillage at the draught diverter as detailed in BS 5440 Part 1 Appendix B It may be necessary to increase the ventilation area to compensate for the extract fan 4 The vapours emitted by halogen based compounds can if drawn into the combustion air cause corrosion of the gas burner thermocouple and storage vessel The...

Page 32: ...a red LED can be found on the control panel for each burner module These indicate the status of the corresponding burner module The green LED off no automatic burner detected flashing automatic burner detected burner module not in use on burner module in use The red LED off no fault flashing blocking fault on locking fault The display on the control panel consists of 3 segments the following codes...

Page 33: ...ure change see page 16 the new temperature is set as follows Press the reset button down for longer than 5 seconds L appears in the left segment of the display The water heater temperature is shown in the 2 right segments the new temperature can be entered using the and buttons The new temperature is set by pressing the reset button once again C00 appears in the display Pressing the reset button a...

Page 34: ...ter heater is completely full of water the gas pipes have been purged the electricity supply to the appliance is switched on the phase and neutral are correctly connected to the appliance 2 Open the appliance s gas tap 3 Switch the electricity on with the power switch on the control panel The water heater now searches for what burner modules are present When these are detected the green LED for th...

Page 35: ...s simultaneously burner module 2 not present Press the reset button to choose the desired burner module The burner can now function at full load or low load using the and buttons respectively The actual burner capacity appears in the display alternately with burner module 1 full load burner module 1 low load Select full load with the button when the actual burner capacity is above 90 the CO2 perce...

Page 36: ...he reset button A new burner module can now be selected using the and buttons The heater is brought into operation again by repeatedly pressing on the button until C00 appears in the display Press the reset button again and the display switches back to normal NB IF THE UNIT IS LEFT IN THE COMMISSIONING MODE BY MISTAKE AFTER 10 MINUTES THE SOFTWARE WILL AUTOMATICALLY SWITCH THE APPLIANCE BACK TO NO...

Page 37: ...Tank sensor shorted E75 Return sensor shorted E0 Read Error Not able to read stored parameters Control Error Reference measurements indicates that there is an error in the AD circuit E33 Flame detected when gas valve was closed E41 Phase Error Live and netural reversed E42 Phase Error Too much deviation in the supply voltage frequency E44 Control Error Poor communication between the two processors...

Page 38: ...flush out the water heater more frequently 6 If the water heater is to be drained for any reason first take the water heater out of operation and then proceed as follows a Turn off the water tap in the cold water supply b Open one of the warm water taps that can be found at a point higher than the water heater in order to bleed the warm water pipe section If the water heater is set up above the le...

Page 39: ...d on the bottom New gaskets must always be used when assembling The top of the exchanger must never be opened The hot surface igniter is a vulnerable part that should only be removed if it has to be replaced Only original parts recommended by the manufacturer can be used as replacement parts Components that are sealed may not be changed or dismantled ...

Page 40: ... 4 M2 653 1 per module H eat Ex c h anger Top L id Insulation G0 2 5 M2 654 1 per module H eat Ex c h anger 15mm O utlet S eal E654 M1830 1 per module H eat Ex c h anger O utlet F itting S eals E917 M2 2 50 1 per module Ex c h anger O utlet F itting top B rac k et E937 M2 337 1 per module Top P late S eal E653 M182 9 1 S lave board E661 M1837 1 per module Master C ontrol B oard E 5580 E853 M1838 H...

Page 41: ...erial number 071201 Front Cover pump facing front E919 M2264 1 From serial number 071201 Drain Cover Plate 200 L vessel E935 M1411 1 From serial number 071906 Drain Cover Plate 300 L vessel E936 M5845 1 From serial number 071906 Side Access Panel 200 L E935 M1411 1 Side Access Panel 300 L E936 M5845 1 Laptop Interface USB Lead E870 1 Service Manual E281 1 LPG Warning Label E942 1 ...

Page 42: ... s w e r d n A D esc rip tion B1 Combined Reducing Valve Strainer C784 PRED 300 127 2 0 0 5 2 2 E R O C 5 8 7 C e v l a V k c e h C 2 B 7 2 0 2 0 1 L E R P 6 8 7 C e v l a V n o i s n a p x E 3 B 1 4 0 3 0 6 S E V X 2 8 7 C e r t i L 5 2 l e s s e V n o i s n a p x E 4 B B5 Temperature Pressure Relief Valve C380 PTEM 100 002 B6 Tundish from Expansion Valve and T P Valve C384 TU N D 300 001 E X PAN...

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Page 44: ...0087 Andrews Water Heaters Wood Lane Erdington B irmingham B 24 9QP Email andrews baxigroup com www andrewswaterheaters co uk S ales 0845 070 1056 Technical 0845 070 1057 ...
