Andermatt Biocontrol AG
Stahlermatten 6
6146 Grossdietwil
Tel. +41 (0)62 917 50 05
Fax +41 (0)62 917 50 06
Sicherheits- und
Die Falle darf Kindern unter 12 Jahren
nicht überlassen werden.
Hände weg bei zuschnappender Falle
Die topcat- Falle nicht leer zuschnappen lassen.
Bei der Anwendung der Fallen empfi ehlt es sich,
Handschuhe zu tragen (Krankheitsübertragung).
Beachten Sie beim Einsatz von topcat die
lokalen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
Précautions de sécurité
et lois
Ne confi ez pas le piège à des enfants de moins de 12 ans.
Risque de blessure lorsque le piège se déclenche.
Ne déclenchez pas le piège à vide!
Pour des raisons prophylactiques, il est
recommandé de porter des gants lors de l’usage
des pièges (transmission de maladies).
Pour utiliser les pièges topcat respecter la loi en vigueur.
Avvertenze legali e di
Tenere la trappola fuori dalla portata dei
bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni.
Togliere le mani quando la trappola sta
per scattare, pericolo di lesioni.
Non fare mai scattare a vuoto la trappola topcat.
Prima di prendere in mano i topi catturati si
raccomanda vivamente di indossare guanti
(rischio di trasmissione malattie).
Utilizzare topcat nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti locali.
Safety precautions and
legal notice
Not for use by children under the age of 12.
Keep hands away from snapping trap
risk of injury.
Do not allow trap to snap closed if empty.
Use gloves while handling the vole
trap (disease transmission).
Use topcat in accordance with local laws and regulations.
Characteristics of rodents
Water vole
Arvicola terrestris
Feeds predominantly on underground roots and tubers
Cylindrical body, long and beaver like teeth
Length: 12 – 20 cm; Weight: 60 – 110 g
Heaps are rather
fl at, the soil is slightly
crumbly with plant
and root residues
Common vole
Microtus arvalis
Versatile herbivore, specialised on herbs and seeds
Cylindrical body, but more slender
than the bigger water voles
Length: 9 – 12 cm; Weight: 20 – 45 g
Very small amount of
soil around the open
burrow entrance. The
soil is very crumbly
Very high
Talpa sp.
Carnivore: Earthworms, larvae and insects etc.
Very muscular body, powerful forepaws for digging
and with strong nails. Lean, trunk-like snout
Length: 10 – 15 cm; Weight: 50 – 130 g
Hemispherical with
rough cloddy soil
Burrows and mounds
Body characteristics
Reproduction potential