About Blood Pressure
What is Blood Pressure?
The blood pressure is at its highest levels in the large arteries near the heart and
drops off towards the peripheral areas of the circulatory system.
The blood pressure varies with the beating of the heart. When the heart contracts,
forcing the blood out, the pressure inside the arteries is said to be systolic. When
the heart expands, the pressure of the blood inside the arteries is said to be
Hypertension, an abnormally high arterial blood pressure, which is most common
among older adults, if left unattended, can cause many health problems including
stroke and heart attack. It is wise to control the blood pressure to prevent it from
becoming high, by reducing salt intake, and by controlling diet and activities.
People who were born with high blood pressure can prevent the progress of heart
disease by means of adequate control.
Why is it a Good Thing to Measure Blood Pressure at Home
Having your blood pressure measured in a hospital or a clinic may cause you to
become nervous, thus artificially raising the blood pressure reading. Also blood
pressure varies with a variety of conditions. So an accurate judgment of the heart
condition can not be made with a single measurement.
Having the capability to measure blood pressure at home provides a good way to
determine your fundamental blood pressure. This is defined as the first blood
pressure reading upon waking, before taking any food or drink.
It is possible for you to carry out your own blood pressure control at home. Take
blood pressure readings with your own blood pressure device on a regular basis.
Record the measurements. If the accumulated results seem to be above normal,
it is recommended that a doctor review the record.