ancorproducts.com | 800.307.6702
To reduce the risk of injury, wear safety goggles or glasses with
side shields.
Be aware that material behind or in between exposed surfaces
may ignite.
To reduce the risk of burns and/or fire, keep the tool moving at
all times over the material you are heating.
This product is a dual temperature control heat gun and uses a 3 position rocker type
switch. Moved to the center position, marked "O", the heat gun is turned OFF. Depress
the lower switch portion completely, marked "I", for the "Low" temperature range.
Depress the upper switch portion completely, marked "II", for the "High" temperature
1) Plug the heat gun into a properly rated outlet.
2) If using an accessory nozzle tip, install the desired accessory nozzle tip by sliding it
on to the nose of the heat gun.
3) Depress completely the upper or lower portion of the rocker switch to obtain the
desired heat range. It is suggested that you start in the lower heat range when
beginning an operation and then move to the higher temperature range if needed.
4) To turn the heat gun off after use, move the switch to the center position, "O".
5) Allow the heat gun nozzle to cool by resting the gun on the rear air intake housing
and the handle, with the gun's nozzle pointing upward.
The correct amount of heat used for each application depends on the selected heat
range, material being worked on, and the distance of the nozzle from the work surface
and length of time that heat is applied to the work surface. We recommend that you
experiment with a piece of scrap material before performing an operation. Carefully
approach the work until you determine the proper combination of heat range, distance
from the work surface and duration of heat application.
Always maintain heat gun movement over the work surface using a gentle back and
forth movement while applying heat unless you find that a concentrated application of
heat best delivers the desired results for a particular operation.