Safe use and maintenance
Limitations on the use of the sling due to
environmental conditions or hazardous applications
a. S elect material resistant to chemicals
• Chain and components must not be used in
alkaline or acidic environments.
• Comprehensive and regular examination must be
carried out when used in severe or corrosive inducing
b. Restrictions due to temperature.
Before putting the sling into first use check
the following:
a. Availability of manufacturer's certificate.
b. The sling corresponds precisely to the product specified on
the order.
c. T he identification and WLL marked on the sling correspond
with the information on the certificate.
d. All details of the sling are entered into a lifting equipment
e. The availability of instructions for use and adequate training
has been given to staff to enable the safe use of the sling.
Before each use / period of use check the following:
a. A thorough inspection of the chain for twisted or bent
links, nicks and gouges, excessive wear at the bearing
points and stretched links. Increase in the throat opening
of hooks. Distortion or damage to master link, coupling links
and attachments.
b. Presence of a label and legibility of markings.
c. If any defects are detected withdraw the sling from service.
Selection and use of chain slings
a. Determine the mass of the load, its centre of gravity,
attachment points and proposed method of attachment.
b. Observe the marked WLL and mode factors. In the case of
multi-leg slings, this will include restrictions on the angle of
sling legs.
Temp. of sling
Reduction of WLL
-40 - 200°C
+200 - 300°C
+300 - 400°C
above 400°C
do not use
c. Always protect slings from sharp edges using suitable
d. D
o not drag a load in the sling and do not drag slings over
the ground or rough surfaces.
e. T ake care to avoid snatch or shock loads which can
overstress chain.
f. Never tie knots in the chain. Always make sure the chain
isn’t twisted before putting it under tension.
g. Never load a hook on its tip or wedge a hook into a lifting
h. N
ever use a multi-leg sling at an angle greater that 120°
between the sling legs (60° from the vertical).
I. T he load should be secured by the sling in such a manner
that it cannot topple or fall out of the sling during lift. The
sling should be arranged so that the point of lift is directly
above the centre of gravity and the load is balanced and
j. W
hen using multi-leg slings make sure that the load is evenly
distributed between the legs and each leg carries the same
k. Slings should be protected from edges, friction and abrasion
whether from the load or lifting appliance.
l. C
are should be taken to ensure that the load is controlled to
prevent accidental rotation or collision with objects.
m. Snatch or shock loading should be avoided as this will
increase the forces acting on the sling.
n. Care should be taken to ensure the safety of personnel
during lift. Hands and other body parts should be kept away
from the sling to prevent injury as the slack is taken up.
o. W
hen using less than the full number of legs, make sure that
the legs not in use are hooked back into the Oblong or Sub-
Assembly to avoid swinging or snagging causing accidental
damage to property or personnel.
p. The load should be lowered in an equally controlled manner
as when lifted.
q. Trapping the sling when lowering should be avoided and
the load should not rest on the sling as this could cause
r. On completion of the lifting operation the sling should be
returned to proper storage. When not in use, slings should
be stored in clean, dry conditions on a rack, away from
abrasive grit and dust.
Periodic examination and maintenance
a. E xamination periods should be determined by a competent
person, taking into account the application, environment,
frequency of use and similar matters, but in any event should
be visually examined at least ever 3 months by a
b. The sling should be cleaned prior to inspection to ensure
that it is free from oil, dust or any other matter which may
cover up cracks or surface defects.
c. Records of such examinations should be maintained.
d. D
amaged slings should be withdrawn from service. Never
attempt to carry out repairs to the slings yourself.
competent person.