Although many catalogs, advertisements and articles about bicycling depict riders
engaged in extreme riding, this activity is extremely dangerous, increases your risk of injury
or death, and increases the severity of any injury. Remember that the action depicted is
being performed by professionals with many years of training and experience. Know
your limits and always wear a helmet and other appropriate safety gear. Even with state-
ofthe-art protective safety gear, you could be seriously injured or killed when jumping,
stunt riding, riding downhill at speed or in competition.Bicycles and bicycle parts have
limitations with regard to strength and integrity, and this type of riding can exceed those
limitations or dramatically reduce the length of their safe use.
Failure to confirm compatibility, properly install, operate and maintain any component or
accessory can result in serious injury or death.Exposed springs on the saddle of any bicycle
fitted with a child seat can cause serious injury to the child.Changing the components
on your bike with other than genuine replacement parts may compromise the safety of
your bicycle and may void the warranty. Contact customer service before changing the
components on your bike.
If your seat post is not inserted in the seat tube, the seat post, binder or even frame may
break, which could cause you to lose control and fall.
When making saddle angle adjustments with a single bolt saddle clamp, always check
to make sure that the serrations on the mating surfaces of the clamp are not worn. Worn
serrations on the clamp can allow the saddle to move, causing you to lose control and
fall. Always tighten fasteners to the correct torque. Bolts that are too tight can stretch and
deform. Bolts that are too loose can move and fatigue. Either mistake can lead to a sudden
failure of the bolt, causing you to lose control and fall.
An insufficiently tightened stem clamp bolt, handlebar clamp bolt or bar end extension
clamping bolt may compromise steering action, which could cause you to lose control
and fall. Place the front wheel of the bicycle between your legs and attempt to twist the
handlebar/stem assembly. If you can twist the stem in relation to the front wheel, turn
the handlebars in relation to the stem, or turn the bar end extensions in relation to the
handlebar, the bolts are insufficiently tightened.Be aware that adding aerodynamic
extensions to handlebars will change the steering and braking response of the bicycle.
Bolt or bar end extension clamping bolt may compromise steering action, which could
cause you to lose control and fall. Place the front wheel of the bicycle between your legs
and attempt to twist the handlebar/stem assembly. If you can twist the stem in relation to
the front wheel, turn the handlebars in relation to the stem, or turn the bar end extensions
in relation to the handlebar, the bolts are insufficiently tightened.Be aware that adding
aerodynamic extensions to handlebars will change the steering and braking response
of the bicycle.WARNING!The shorter the brake lever reach, the more critical it is to have
correctly adjusted brakes, so that full braking power can be applied within available brake