Turn the switch on the top of the unit on to energize the outputs. The green ‘Output On’
indicator light will glow to indicate the proper operation of the unit.
The unit has an adjustment potentiometer to allow up to ± 1.0V adjustment of the output
voltage. This potentiometer is accessed through a small hole in the top of the voltage
converter. As shipped from the factory, the unit is preset for a voltage of 13.6, 27.2, 36.3 or
54.4VDC. If you wish to adjust this voltage, remove the cover plate (secured by 2 screws) to
expose the Output Adjust potentiometer. Reach in with a very small flat blade screwdriver
to rotate the potentiometer. Clockwise increases the output voltage and counter clockwise
decreases it. When you are done, replace the cover plate and securely tighten the screws.
A high quality digital meter can be added to the voltage converter (factory installed only).
The meter shows simultaneous voltage and current on either of the two output terminals. A
toggle switch permits selection between the output terminals. The meter features bright red
LED readouts to permit easy monitoring from many feet or meters away.
supplies running in parallel. Repeat this process for the negative terminals using the same
gauges of wire, but black in colour. These units should now load share. You can confirm this
by watching the output ammeters. A slight difference is negligible, however, if this is not
the case, you can increase the output voltage of the unit that is reading low using the output
adjust potentiometer.