Mount the unit in a DRY location. Allow at least 1 inch of clearance for adequate cooling.
The unit is supplied with input power leads 1 meter long. This should normally be adequate to
connect to a source of power. If you must extend the cable:
• Use the smallest extension length possible.
• Use no less than 10 gauge conductors.
• Splice and solder the joints.
• Protect the joints with heat shrink tubing.
Connect the wires as follows:
• Red to Positive
• Black to Negative
Two positive output terminals and two negative output terminals are provided. Connect only
one wire to each terminal.
Note that the current specifications are for input current. To obtain the maximum output
current capability at any given input voltage, use the following formula:
Output Current = Input Volts / Output Volts x 26
For example:
10 VDC in and 27 VDC out, the max output current = 10/27 x 26 = 9.6 Amps.
20 VDC in and 27 VDC out, the max output current = 20/27 x 26 = 19.3 Amps
It is recommended to parallel the output connections if the unit is used as a single bank battery charger.