Record start
Record stop
Playback method
Playback start
Playback stop
Sampler options menu
Sampler options
(press "EDIT")
Trig 1 high
Trig 1 low
Trig 2 high
Trig 2 low
Record start
(press "EDIT")
Trig 1 high
Trig 1 low
Trig 2 high
Trig 2 low
Record stop
(press "EDIT")
Sampler options
This menu allows you to
determine how an audio clip will
be sampled, and how and when
it will be replayed.
You will need to set these options
appropriately before you use the
"Sample record" menu described
on the previous page.
If you have "Record start" and
"Record stop" set to the same value,
the triggers become toggles. This
means that triggering the input will
start recording if the sampler is not
already recording, otherwise it will
stop recording. The "Playback start"
and "Playback stop" commands
work in the same way.
Record start
Determines when a recording is
initiated. There are five options:
• Trig1 high
Recording starts when the signal
presented to TRIG1 exceeds the
trigger threshold
• Trig1 low
Recording starts when the signal
at TRIG1 falls below the trigger
• Trig2 high
Recording starts when the signal
presented to TRIG2 exceeds the
trigger threshold
• Trig2 low
Recording starts when the signal
at TRIG2 falls below the trigger
Allows you to initiate a recording
manually within the "Sample
record" menu
Record stop
Determines when a recording is
complete. There are five options:
• Trig1 high
Recording stops when the signal
presented to TRIG1 exceeds the
trigger threshold
• Trig1 low
Recording stops when the signal
at TRIG1 falls below the trigger
• Trig2 high
Recording stops when the signal
presented to TRIG2 exceeds the
trigger threshold
• Trig2 low
Recording stops when the signal
at TRIG2 falls below the trigger
Allows you to conclude a
recording manually within the
"Sample record" menu