Example Programs
ADSP-BF538F EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual
Example Programs
Example programs are provided with the ADSP-BF538F EZ-KIT Lite to
demonstrate various capabilities of the evaluation board. These programs
are installed with the EZ-KIT Lite software and can be found in the
<install_path>\Blackfin\Examples\ADSP-BF538F EZ-KIT Lite
alDSP++ directory. Please refer to the readme file provided with each
example for more information.
Background Telemetry Channel
The ADSP-BF538F USB debug agent supports the background telemetry
channel (BTC), which facilitates data exchange between Vi+ and
the processor without interrupting processor execution.
The BTC allows you to view a variable as it is updated or changed, all
while the processor continues to execute. For increased performance of the
BTC, including faster reading and writing, please check our latest line of
Blackfin processor emulators at:
. For more information about the background telemetry
channel, see the Vi+ User’s Guide or online Help.