Rev. 0
The following procedure describes how to use LTpowerPlay
to monitor and change the settings of LTC3884-1.
1. Download and install the LTpowerPlay GUI from
2. Launch the LTpowerPlay GUI.
a. The GUI should automatically identify the DC2881A-A.
The system tree on the left hand side should look like this:
b. A green message box shows for a few seconds in the
lower left-hand corner, confirming that LTC3884-1 is
c. In the Toolbar, click the R (RAM to PC) icon to read the
RAM from the LTC3884-1. This reads the configuration
from the RAM of LTC3884-1 and loads it into the GUI.
d. If you want to change the output voltage to a different
value, like 1.2V. In the Config tab, type in 1.2 in the
VOUT_COMMAND box, like this:
Then, click the W (PC to RAM) icon to write these reg-
ister values to the LTC3884-1. After finishing this step,
you will see the output voltage will change to 1.2V.