Blue Moon has two water tanks that are typically plumbed together.
Combined there is _____ gallons of fresh water for consumption. Fresh
water (grey water) is drained overboard thru various thru-hulls located
around the boats. Often the grey water will go to a sump and then
pumped overboard.
Fill the water tanks thru deck fittings found in the aft cockpit on the
The fresh water pressure pump is located in the engine room. To
activate the pump simply switch on the Water Pump switch on the DC
panel. Should the pump continue to run you may be out of water or
possibly have an air lock. Bleed the system by opening a faucet,
typically at the highest point. If you do run out of water, be sure to
TURN OFF THE HOT WATER HEATER on the AC panel to avoid serious
Blue Moon does have a 110-volt hot water heater with a capacity of
___ gallons. The water is heated with shore power, generator power or
via a heat exchanger when underway. When on shore power or
generator, switch ON the water heater circuit in the AC electric panel.
Be aware of your water levels and avoid turning the heater on when
low on water. The water heater is located in the engine room.
“Boat Showers”
are highly recommended to minimize the amount of
fresh water used. Turn off water between initial soap down and
rinsing, and to keep showers and baths tidy, wipe down after
showering. Keeping drains free of hair and other debris will help keep
sumps clear and pumps from clogging.