ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels
Button IR Macro Commands
Only one macro can run at a time. The panel "locks" for the duration of the macro. A message
appears in the center of the touch panel signifying that a macro is executing and does not disappear
until the completion of the macro. In addition, the touch panel must be pointed at the IR receivers
during the entire macro execution cycle. Otherwise, some transmitted IR signals from the touch
panel may not reach the receiver.
Other string types may occur before and after the macro blocks as long as the strings are separated
from the macro block with a <CR> and the macro command exists at the beginning of the line. The
two commands are identified and defined in the following table.
Button String Commands (Cont.)
Verifies the com-
between touch
panels through
the use of the on-
panel editor.
Responding touch panels tell the sending touch panel to change its Main page to the color
• VPN panel serial port is connected to TPI program port.
• VPN panel wants to verify communication between the TPI and itself.
• VPN panel issues "WORKING?" to its serial port. It will be sent as $SP "WORKING?".
• TPI receives the command and responds to the VPN panel by telling it to set the Main
page background to white. Thus communication is verified.
Macro Commands
Executes an IR
macro pulse.
The IR macro pulse is located at device#, channel#, for an "on" time in tenths of a second,
and a wait time in tenths of a second before executing the next command.
"$P <dn> <cn> <tpo> <tpd> <CR>"
dn = device number 2, 3, or 4. This number represents an AXlink device that is
associated with 255 channels.
cn = channel number 1 - 255. This number represents one of 255 particular control
functions associated with a device. It must lie within the range of 1 and 255. For
example, a button programmed on a touch panel with device 3, channel 15. When that
button is pressed, the touch panel transmits the IR code programmed at device 3,
channel 15.
tpo = time pulse on in tenths of a second (max. 65535 or approx. 109 minutes), For
example, to add a delay between pulses for 10 seconds, the required parameter is 100.
<CR> = end of statement (Enter key pressed).
$P 3 15 10 100 <CR>
Transmits the IR code at device 3, channel 15 for 1 second. Then, the macro pauses 10
seconds before executing the next command or before finishing the macro if no other com-
mands exist.