Encoder Configuration Options
N2151/N2251 User Manual
Security Page
Click the
link at the top of any of the main web pages to access the page shown in
. This page allows you to force
HTTPS connections and set up a password for stream encryption. To successfully display an encrypted Encoder stream on a
Decoder, the Decoder must match the Encoder password.
This page only applies if connected to a web page via HTTPS.
FIG. 33
Security Page
Security Page Options
General Security
This section allows you to force HTTPS connections and set up a default password for stream
encryption. To successfully communicate, the Decoder must know and match the Encoder password.
Command Port Security
This section allows you to secure the port connections for TCP port addresses 50101, 50102, and
50104. These ports are always secure and require an SSL connection. When
Secure Ports Only
is enabled,
the Encoder will only accept commands through the secure ports.
• 50101 is secure version of 50001.
• 50102 is secure version of 50002.
• 50104 is secure version of 50004.