3085 SP
Surgical Table
Page 1: ...OPERATOR MANUAL Amsco 3085 SP Surgical Table 10 01 04 P150830 026 ...
Page 2: ...rformed by STERIS Engineering Service will void the warranty could violate federal state and local regulations and jeopardize your insurance coverage The Amsco 3085 SP Surgical Table is a mobile electrohydraulically operated general surgical table providing flexible articulation of the surgical patient A thorough preventive maintenance program is essential to safe and proper unitoperation Thismanu...
Page 3: ...09 USA Class 1 Equipment Type B Equipment OrdinaryEquipment enclosedequipmentwithout protection of ingress of water Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or oxygen or nitrous oxide Suitable for continuous use The base language of this document is ENGLISH Any translations must be made from the base language document STERIS Corporation Montgomery A...
Page 4: ... 2 1 Standard 3085 SP Tables Hand Control 3 3 3 2 2 Operating Room Control System ORCS Hand Control 3 3 3 2 3 Lock Table in PLace 3 4 3 3 Hand Control Interchangeability 3 5 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4 1 4 1 Attach Headrest and Orient Patient 4 1 4 2 Tabletop Positioning 4 3 4 2 1 Hand Control Operation 4 3 4 2 2 Optional Foot Control Operation 4 5 4 2 3 Care of Controls When Not In Use 4 7 4 3 Opt...
Page 5: ...ntive Maintenance Schedule 6 1 6 2 Cleaning Disinfecting Procedures 6 3 6 2 1 Post Usage 6 3 6 2 2 End of Day 6 4 6 2 3 Weekly 6 4 6 3 Biweekly Maintenance 6 5 6 4 Monthly Maintenance 6 5 6 5 Battery Charging Procedure 6 6 6 5 1 Electric Powered Tables 6 6 6 5 2 Battery Powered Tables 6 6 7 TROUBLESHOOTING 7 1 8 SERVICE PROCEDURES 8 1 8 1 Reset Circuit Breakers 8 1 8 2 Change Fuses 8 2 8 3 Disconn...
Page 6: ...cks locked Whenperformingsurgeryrequiringaheadrestaccessoryinreversedpatientorientation orwhenusingaFem Pop board or the 3080 3085 Ortho Extension accessory do not exceed the 400 lb 181 kg patient weight Do not use the Fem Pop Board with X ray Tops for bariatric patients Foot Extension Accessory or combination of Foot Extension and Headrest Accessories from previous design STERIS tables must not b...
Page 7: ...injury aswellastableoraccessoryfailure mayresultfromusingSTERIStableaccessories forotherthantheirstatedpurpose orfromusing onSTERIStables accessoriesmanufacturedandsoldbyother companies Patient Transfer Board must be used as a leg support only It is not intended to support upper body weight of a patient WARNING PINCHING AND TIPPING HAZARD Patientinjurymayresultiftheoperatorofthistableisnotcomplete...
Page 8: ... may contact the elevated kidney bridge and damage the bridge and or section Whencleaning disinfectingtable donotusephenolics whichmaycausepatientskinburnsifinadequatelyrinsed off or alcohol which does not have sufficient cleaning disinfection properties Whencleaning disinfectingtable thoroughlyreadthecleaningfluiddirectionsforuseandfollowalldirectionsand cautions as shown Do not spray cleaning fl...
Page 9: ...ctions A Amperage Rating of the Unit V Voltage Rating of the Unit Alternating Current kW Power Rating of the Unit Hz Frequency of the Unit Equipotentiality Type B Equipment Powered by AC Powered by Battery Battery Charged Battery Down Optional HERMES Ready System Installed ON OFF Following is a key to symbols which may be on your table or controls Continued ...
Page 10: ...or Lock Function Touch Pad Floor Lock Lock Floor Lock Unlock Patient Orientation Function Touch Pad Normal Orientation Reverse Orientation Trendelenburg Reverse Trendelenburg Height Up Raise Height Down Lower Tilt Left Tilt Right Back Up Back Down Leg Up Leg Down Continued ...
Page 11: ...1 6 150830 026 Operator Manual Safety Precautions Symbol Definition Flex Reflex Level ...
Page 12: ...w or not operate Use other articulations to move the table tops to the desired position Moving the table from an extreme Right Tilt may require the table tops be level Whennormalpatientloadsexceed900lb 408kg movingthetable from an extreme Right Tilt may be slow or not operate 2 1 Pinch Point Warnings WARNING TIPPING HAZARD Do not place patient on the table unless floor locks are engaged Do not rel...
Page 13: ...t Figure 2 1 Pinch Points Between Headrest if Present and Back Section Between Headrest if Present and Base Cover Between Leg Section or Headrest if Present and Column Cover Between Leg Section or Headrest if Present and Base Between Leg Section or Headrest if Present and Base Cover Cover Between Leg Section or Headrest if Present and Floor Between Kidney Bridge and Tabletop or Between Kidney Brid...
Page 14: ...ot exceed 400 lb 181 kg patient weight limit For Patients Over 500 lb 226 kg Always Position WithPatientHead on Table Head Section WARNING TIPPING HAZARD Do not use this table for pa tients exceeding the 1 000 lb 452 kg limit when patient is positionedinnormalorienta tion The maximum safe pa tient weight on this table for standard surgical positions innormalorientationis1 000 lb 452 kg with floor ...
Page 15: ...rage Head End 28 711 mm with headrest attached plus 3 76 mm maximum extension of headrest Foot End 33 838 mm without headrest attached 45 1 143mm withheadrestattached noextensionofheadrest allowed when at this end Width 14 5 368 mm average on both ends 2 2 3 Other Considerations 2 3 General Description WARNING PERSONAL INJURYHAZARD Health care professionals must ensure patients are po sitioned and...
Page 16: ...ic 100 V 5 A 1 Phase 220 V 3 A 1 Phase 120 V 4 5 A 1 Phase 230 240 V 2 5 A 1 Phase 2 4 1 Overall Size WxLxH 2 4 2 Weight 2 4 3 Utility Requirements 2 4 Technical Specifications Each table is shipped from the factory configured to the electrical requirement specified on the factory order If required to be changed in the field consult STERIS for the procedure materials required Tables intended to be...
Page 17: ...WARNING PERSONAL INJURYHAZARD Iftheinteg rityoftheexternalprotective earth conductor installation or arrangement is in doubt operate the table from its in ternalpowersource WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Table must not be usedinthepresenceofflam mableanesthetics WARNING TRIPPING HAZARD Route power cord toreceptacleinapositionso it will not be tripped over by personnel in the area CAUTION POSSIBLE EQUIPM...
Page 18: ...not be tripped over then plug it into an appropriate receptacle 4 For either electric powered or battery powered 3085 SP power cord may remainpluggedintoappropriatereceptacleindefinitely Itwillnotharmtable or table batteries 3 1 Install and Route Power Cord Figure 3 1 Power Cord Connection Electric Table Only Connect AC Power Cord WARNING TRIPPING HAZ ARD Routethepowercordto the receptacle in a po...
Page 19: ... into connected position see Figure 3 3 NOTE The standard hand control and the ORCS hand control for tables equipped with either HERMES Ready1 or ACT Enabled interface control options arenotinterchangeable Align Red Dots to Connect Hand Control Plug 3 2 1 Standard 3085 SP Tables Hand Control CAUTION POSSIBLE EQUIPMENTDAMAGE For ORCS equipped tables use the HERMES Ready1 or ACT Enabled 3085 SP hand...
Page 20: ...ble on All LEDs on hand control may light momentarily for control system self test when power is turnedon RefertoFigure3 4foridentificationofhandcontrolfunctions SeeSECTION 7 TROUBLESHOOTING to identify any problems with the hand control NOTE If the wrong function selection button is accidentally pressed press the correct function button to override the incorrect selection ON Button 3 2 3 Lock Tab...
Page 21: ...t on casters 3 3 Hand Control Interchangeability The3080RL 3080SP and3080RL SP 3085SPhandcontrolwillplugintoand operatethe3080RL 3080SP and3085SPtables However notethefollowing exceptions The3080RChandcontrolwillplugintoandoperatethe3080RL 3080SP and 3085 SP in a normal fashion EXCEPT there is no Return to Level button The3080RL 3080SP and3080RL SP 3085SPhandcontrolwillplugintoand operatethe3080RC...
Page 22: ...hepatienthead or feet Load rating is 77 lb 35 kg a Insert rods extending from each side of headrest attachment into bores provided in either end of table frame b Reach under tabletop frame and fully tighten both thumbscrews one on each side of frame to secure headrest attachment in place Refer to SECTION 4 4 HEADREST POSITIONING for adjustmentprocedures 2 Verify power is ON and table floor locks a...
Page 23: ...ation of patient s head on table see Figures 4 2 and 4 3 NOTE ActivationoftheORIENTPATIENTfunctionautomaticallytranslatesall subsequent commands from the hand foot and optional Operating Room ControlSystem ORCS controls sothattheycorrespondcorrectlytowherethe indicated patient s head is on the table For example when the REVERSE Actuate button is activated the direction of the Trendelenburg and Sid...
Page 24: ...an appropriate AC receptacle see Figure 6 3 4 2 Tabletop Positioning WARNING PINCHING HAZARD Pinch points are createdduringextremetable toparticulation Carefullyre viewillustrationsinFigure 2 1 before operating the table WARNING PINCHING AND TIPPING HAZARD Patient injurymayresultiftheopera tor of this table is not com pletely familiar with the con trols for patient positioning and table operation ...
Page 25: ...mseat section NOTE FLEXandREFLEXpositioncontrolsaredisabledwheninREVERSE patientorientation Flex FLEX button back section down 20 maximum with seat section down 25 maximum from horizontal Reflex REFLEX button back section up 25 maximum with seat section up 35 maximum from horizontal Return To Level tabletopcanbereturnedtolevelbypressingLEVEL button Tablewillmoveingradual anatomicallycorrectincreme...
Page 26: ...g Procedures 1 The following must be completed before any foot control positioning functions are operable Handcontrolconnected ControlturnedON Floor locks engaged ORIENT PATIENT button activated green LED ON to indicate patient s position on table see Figures 4 2 and 4 3 4 2 2 Optional Foot Control Operation WARNING PERSONAL INJURYHAZARD Unanticipated table move ment could cause patient in jury Pa...
Page 27: ...t control pedals and release pedal when desired position has been reached to automatically stop tabletop and lock it in position Raise Height 44 1 118 mm maximum Depress left side of HEIGHT pedal located in the center position of foot control pedals and release pedal when desired position has been reached to automatically stop tabletop and lock it in position WARNING TIPPING HAZARD Duringanarticul...
Page 28: ...note the following 1 When a normal patient load exceeds 700 lb 318 kg Reflex and Return to Level articulations may be slow or not operate Use other articulations to move the tabletops to the desired position 2 When a normal patient load exceeds 700 lb 318 kg moving the table fromanextremeRightTiltmayrequirethetabletopsbelevel Whennormal patient load exceeds 900 lb 408 kg moving the table from an e...
Page 29: ... control with the blue strainrelief Thestandard3085SPhandcontrolwitharedstrainrelieftailonthe connector will not connect to the HERMES Ready table For proper HERMES Systemoperation ensureHERMES ReadytableisinterfacedwiththeHERMES System only not with any other Operating Room Control System NOTE IftheHERMESInterfaceSystemandthetablehandcontrolareactuated simultaneously the hand control has priority...
Page 30: ... The standard 3085 SP hand control with a red strain relief tail on the connectorwillnotconnecttotheACTEnabledtable ForproperACTvoice touch panel operation ensure ACT Enabled table is interfaced with the appropriate Operating Room Control System ACT Enabled tables can NOT be controlled by the HERMES system NOTE IftheORCSandthetablehandcontrolareactuatedsimultaneously the hand control has priority ...
Page 31: ...elector 2 Set ratchet drive directional control for type of ratchet on your table see Figure4 10 Figure 4 10 Set Ratchet Drive Directional Control Partially Rotate this Direction to Engage Lower Partially Rotate this Direction to Engage Raise Press to Raise Press to Lower TYPE 1 TYPE 2 4 4 Headrest Positioning 4 5 Kidney Bridge Elevation Headrest Adjustment Release Handle Figure 4 8 Headrest Posit...
Page 32: ...les ac cessoriesmanufacturedand sold by other companies WARNING PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD When in stallinganytableaccessory checkforcorrectattachment and tighten securely if ap propriate Do not use worn or damaged accessory Checkinstallationbeforeus ing any accessory 4 6 1 Tabletop Pads 1 To install tabletop pad place pad in position and press hook fastener strips together seeFigure4 11 2 To remove p...
Page 33: ... X ray top section several times X ray top should lift freely 1 To install place clamp or socket on side rail and lock in position with knob or handle provided see Figure 4 14 2 To remove loosen knob or handle and slide clamp or socket along side rail until a notch is reached then remove clamp socket NOTE Clamp socket may also be removed from end of side rail by raising gravity stops Typical X Ray...
Page 34: ...b 181 kg patient load Drain Tray slides onto perineal edge of seat section and Uro Endo I A Extension Not limited to patient weight Neuro Seat Plate placed under pad by hooking support legs onto side rail supports and allowing to rest on top of kidney bridge It extends leg seat length and provides for less than 90 seating with kidney bridge elevated for unique reversed chair posture Limited to 400...
Page 35: ...ndo Image Amplification Extension Fem Pop Board Shown Without X Ray Top and 2 51 mm Pad DrainTray 3080 3085OrthopedicExtension Figure 4 15 Accessories for Amsco 3085 Tables Contact STERIS for ordering information Refer to specific accessory descriptions for weight limitations Neuro Seat Plate ...
Page 36: ...trol Optional foot control Optional HERMES command capability1 Optional ACT Enabled Interface Since there are several methods of control for the table particularly with use of the HERMES or ACT Enabled Systems it is important to understand the hierarchy of the respective controls override capability over other control methods Table control methods are prioritized from highest override control to l...
Page 37: ...aximum or down 25 maximum from horizontal Lift BACK switch up to raise back section or press down to lower back section releaseswitchwhendesiredpositionhasbeenreachedtoautomati cally stop tabletop and lock it in position Leg up 80 maximum or down 105 maximum from horizontal Lift LEG switch up to raise leg section or press down to lower leg section when desired position has been reached release swi...
Page 38: ...umppedalrecess see Figure 5 3 Flip the pedal down to access the switch see Figure 5 2 Operate the override system as follows If electric pump power is available move the rocker switch down to activate the UNLOCK function release it when the floor locks are retracted and the table is resting on its casters To activate the LOCK function move the rocker switch up release it when the table is resting ...
Page 39: ...peration of this equipmentrequiresregularly scheduled preventive main tenance in addition to the faithful performance of rou tine maintenance Contact STERIS to schedule preven tivemaintenance CAUTION POSSIBLE EQUIPMENT DAMAGE The useofincorrecthydraulicoil may severely damage the table and or cause malfunc tion Contact STERIS for the proper oil to use Table 6 1 Preventive Maintenance Schedule for ...
Page 40: ...play and ensure screws on the top clevis and 2x per year bottom support bracket are secure 6 3 Lubricate column guide rails 1x per year 7 0 FINAL TEST 7 1 Secure all covers and shrouds 6x per year 7 2 Reinstall any pads that were removed Check for rips tears etc 6x per year 7 3 Check area to ensure removal of all materials used during inspection 6x per year Table 6 1 Preventive Maintenance Schedul...
Page 41: ...fromsurface spraycleaningfluidliberally on tabletop surfaces exposed when pads are removed i Repeat Steps d e and f for tabletop surfaces exposed when pads are removed j Place pads back onto tabletop by aligning with sides of table and pressing into place on hook fastener strips WARNING INFECTION HAZARD To protect against aerosolsbeingreflectedfrom contaminatedsurfaces wear rubber or plastic glove...
Page 42: ...ts and clean all additional exposed surfaces during these articulations as follows a Holdingcan6 8 150 200mm fromsurface spraycleaningfluidliberally on surface to be cleaned b Wipesprayedsurfaceswithacleanclothdampenedwithwatertoremove cleaning fluid Dampening cloth will minimize streaking c Wipecleanedsurfacesagainwithaclean damp lint freeclothtoremove any remaining residue 3 Turn control OFF whe...
Page 43: ...working order 6 3 Biweekly Maintenance WARNING PERSONAL INJURYAND OREQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARD Repairs andadjustmentstothisequip ment must be made only by fullyqualifiedserviceperson nel Nonroutinemaintenance performedbyinexperienced unqualified personnel or in stallation of unauthorized parts could cause personal injury invalidate the war ranty orresultincostlydam age ContactSTERISregard ing service...
Page 44: ...storage batteries must be charged every six months It is not necessary to have hand control ON to charge batteries Oneitherelectric poweredorbattery powered3085SP powercordmaybe leftpluggedintoappropriatereceptacleindefinitely Itwillnotharmtablenor table batteries NOTE If batteries will not charge refer to SECTION 7 for possible causes and corrective actions Recharge batteries as follows 1 Connect...
Page 45: ... table may be used during daytime on battery and charged at night for six to eight hours charging time minimum OR Table may be used during week and charged over weekend 38 hours 5 Dependingonhowbatteriesarecaredfor tablebatterylifecanvarygreatly The following can shorten the battery s useful life continuing to leave this type of battery discharged for a long period or continuingtousetablebatteryev...
Page 46: ... unplugged electric powered table only Plug in 2 No facility power electric powered table only Turn facility power on 3 F1 or F2 fuse blown electric powered table only Replace fuse s per SECTION 8 4 AC power cord defective electric powered table only Replace power cord 5 Batteries totally discharged battery powered table only Recharge batteries per SECTION 6 6 Circuit breaker CB 1 tripped electric...
Page 47: ... power connected low or dischargedbatteries bat tery poweredtableonly Hand Control Diagnostics Chart NOTE WhenpowersuppliesareoperationalandthetableispluggedintoanACreceptacle theONtouchpadgreenLED and AC power green LED will be ON 1 Control ON green AC LED is ON and red BAT TERY LED is flashing INDICATION CONDITION CORRECTIVEACTION 2 Control ON green BATTERY LED is ON and red BATTERY LED flash in...
Page 48: ...s per SECTION 3 Reconnect AC power cord per SECTION 3 Hand control plug will not slide into receptacle 7 Hand Control will not physically plug into the table 1 Check the control The standard hand control has a 6 pin connector and will not fit either the HERMES Ready1 orACTEnabled 3085SP Table NOTE For troubleshooting of the optional HERMES Ready1 system refer to the HERMES Operating Room Control C...
Page 49: ...able base to access circuit breakers located on right of opening when foot pedal is down See Figure 8 1 2 Press in on protective boot covering circuit breaker to reset 3 Raise foot pedal back into stored position CB 1 protects power transformer CB 2 protects motor batteries and has extra internal manual on off switch CB 3 protects motor battery charger CB 4 protects control power supply 8 1 Reset ...
Page 50: ... Fuse Cartridge Remove AC Power Cord Use Small Screwdriver Figure 8 2 Fuse Location 8 3 Disconnect the Motor Battery Two replaceable fuses F3 and F4 are located internal to the table These require removal of the base shroud for access Replacement of these fuses must be made only by a fully qualified service technician Refer to Table 8 1 for correct rating and part number of fuses CB 2 circuit brea...
Page 51: ...ceed as follows 1 Include part number and description listed in Table 8 1 2 Include model and serial numbers of your equipment on your order 3 Send your order directly to STERIS Contact STERIS if you need any parts not listed in Table 8 1 NOTE Use only STERIS authorized parts on the equipment Use of unautho rized parts will void the warranty 8 4 Replacement Parts ...
Page 52: ...IEC 5 Batteries See NOTE 1 See NOTE 1 Table 8 1 Amsco 3085 SP Surgical Table Replacement Parts NOTES 1 This table uses lead acid batteries Lead acid batteries normally are subject to self discharge and battery life deteriorationinlong termstorage Therefore STERISdoesnotrecommendbatteriesbeprocuredandthenstoredas spareparts Ifbatteriesareprocuredandstored theyshouldbekeptcoveredandinacool dryarea S...
Page 53: ...curyper table 18 g Hydraulic Oil Chevron AW32 or equivalent P150823 197 service part P764322 636 Oilisinthehydrauliccomponentslocatedinthebase onthe column in the seat section in the back section inside the column and in all the hydraulic system lines and hoses Approximate quantity 0 9 US gal 3 4 L Gear Compound Chevron grade 680 located in the oiler pads in the column Approximate amount 1 oz 28 g...