Software Description
Eval Kit Manual
• v1-00 • 2021-May-06
│ 36
For further information, please refer to the following document:
AS7030B/AS7038GB/AS7038RB Datasheet
Sequencer Configuration
Figure 35:
Sequencer Configuration Submenu
The “Cycle period” field of the “Sequencer configuration” window (see Figure 35) holds the value of
the SEQ_PER register. The client software will automatically calculate its value from the user input for
Sample frequency/period entered i
n the fields “Frequency (Hz)” / “Period (µs)” of the “Sequencer
configuration” window (Figure 35). Sample period/frequency is the period/frequency between # of
samples of the
ADC channel and it depends on the number of enabled ADC channels. If the
calculation yields a value for the cycle period that is bigger than 255 - the maximum possible,