AMS-E3011 RIO User’s Manual
The following diagram shows terminal
wiring. The pin “COM1” is a common return for first 4 channel
(DI1~DI4) and the pin “COM2” is a common return for second 4 channel (DI5~DI8).
3.4. Digital Output
AMS-E3011 RIO is equipped with four channels dry contact relay output with the following specifications:
Digital Output Specifications
Outputs per Module
4 channels
Rated output voltage
Up to 60 V DC / Up to 125V AC
Rated output Current per common
Up to 1 A DC / Up to 0.5A AC
Over Current Protection
Switching frequency
10 Hz
Switching capacity of outputs
100,000 operations min. (with a rated load
at 1,800 operations/hour)
Dielectric strength between coil and contacts
1,500 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
Pluggable type terminal block
I/O Cable Wire
AWG 18 (1.0 mm x mm) Maximum