When reassembling, make sure that the one-way valve membrane is
correctly positioned.
7.4 Checking the alarm systems
In the case of the stenosis alarm and the disconnection alarm, the alarm signal
(or message) is only set off when the cause of the alarm is repeated in two
successive inspiration phases. This prevents the alarm being triggered by a
very short-lived dysfunction.
In this test the rise in pressure is so strong that the pressure gauge needle may
overswing into the red zone. There are technical reasons for this, and it does
not indicate any malfunction.
1. Open the oxygen cylinder.
2. Remove the tube or the ventilation mask from the patient valve.
3. Switch on AII6000A.
4. Switch the mask/tube switch 1 to mask ventilation mode.
5. Keep the ventilation connector on the patient valve closed with the flat of
your hand during two successive inspiration phases. The stenosis alarm
should be set off. If audio response is enabled, the ventilator announces
“Check airways and minute volume”.
(interruption of breathing system)
1. First proceed as for the stenosis alarm.
2. Then remove your hand. The stenosis alarm should now cease (LED goes
out, acoustic alarm stops sounding).
After two successive inspiration phases the disconnection alarm should be set
off. If audio response is enabled, the ventilator announces “Check ventilation
system and settings”.
Drop in O2 pressure
(<2.7 bar O2)
1. Open the valve of the oxygen cylinder slowly.
2. Switch on AII6000A.
3. Close the valve on the oxygen cylinder. When the oxygen pressure in the