Chapter 3 Software Navigation
Part Number: 0160-6411, Rev A, 02/2019
Page 155 of 314
Software Release: cOS 5.00
3.7 Undocking Screen
When laser treatment is complete, the system automatically proceeds to the Undocking Screen.
The Undocking Screen guides you through the process of releasing the patient, disconnecting
the Mobile Patient Bed (if used), and removing the suction ring and disposable lens from the
The Mobile Patient Bed and patient chair have different undocking instructions. The screens in
the following sections are for the Mobile Patient Bed. However, differences between the
undocking instructions for the Mobile Patient Bed and patient chair are identified.
Vacuum Panel
When the initial Undocking Screen displays, the Vacuum panel is open. As instructed in the
panel, release the patient vacuum and lower the bed/chair.
Figure 3.114 Undocking Screen with Vacuum Panel Open