A113X1 Development Kit User Guide
5.0 (2018-05-22)
AMLOGIC, Inc. Proprietary
Development Environment
This section explains how to build the code and run it on the development kit.
Configuration of Build Environment
Buildroot is designed to run on Linux System. Please use the PC or build server which was installed with
64bit Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 or 16.04 version.
The reference configuration for Build Environment:
Web site
: :
Get Source Code
Developers can download the source code from Amlogic’s website :
Step 1.
Navigate to http://openlinux.amlogic.com/wiki/index.php/Arm/Buildroot/AVS-ref-kit
Step 2.
Scroll down the web page and click Download link, please download the latest version.
Step 3.
Copy and paste the URL in Step 2, and enter the following as one line in a Linux terminal window:
wget –c
Step 4.
tar xvzf buildroot_openlinux_kernel_4.9_yyyymmdd.tar.gz
Source code includes binary code which was developed by DSP-Concepts company, Amlogic has been
authorized to integrate this binary code into our Board Develop Kit. Licensee customers need to agree with
“DSP Concepts End User Evaluation License Agreement” if they want to use this kit. Details of this
agreement can be found on :
Compile the System
Excute the following command.
$ cd /<your-buildroot-repo dir>/
$ source runCompile.sh
The script “runCompile.sh” will run the Compile automatically.
amlogic_source/a113$ source runCompile.sh
show how to use the runCompile Script: