If the main oven has an oven light function, it will be always on, when any of
function is selected.
Defrost function
Defrost function can be started by placing the frozen food into your oven and turning
the main oven function switch to the related sign. This function does not cook the
food, just helps to defrost them in a very short time. Put the food to be deftosted on
the grid at third rack position and place a tray into the bottom rack of the oven in
order to collect the water occurring during defrost.
Top and bottom heating function
During this function, the heat generated by top and bottom heating elements
ensures the food's bottom and top to be cooked equally.
Turn your main oven's switch as it will show the sign of this function and set the
temperature. If available, adjust the digital programmer or mechenical timer. Place
the tray on the grid. It is recommended to preheat for 10 minutes. By using this
function, you can cook cake, sponge cake and flan, spaghetti in oven, lasagna and
pizza. For details, please see the cooking table.
At the end of cooking period, as in all other cooking processes; turn the main oven
switch and thermostat switch off. Take the cooking tray out and put it onto a safe
place. Keep the children away from hot oven during and after cooking, until it is cool
Top and bottom heating function with fan
During this function, the heated air generated by top and bottom heating elements is
circulated by the fan behind the rear wall of main oven.
Turn your main oven's switch as it will show the sign of this function and set the
temperature. If available, adjust the digital programmer or mechanical timer. Place
the tray on the grid. It is recommended to preheat for 10 minutes. This function is
appropriate for single tray cooking and it is best for cooking pastries. For details,
please see the cooking table.
At the end of cooking period, as in all other cooking processes; turn the main oven
switch and thermostat switch off. Take the cooking tray out and put it onto a safe
place. Keep the children away from hot oven during and after cooking, until it is cool