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Important note:
In case it is too difficult to rotate the cartridge by hand, operate the Index Piston by alternating
the compressed air tube connection. Connect the tube to the upper port to move the index by one row and
reconnect the tube to the lower port to advance the index by another row. Continue this operation till all the
cartridge rows are checked for damaged cassettes.
C.2. Removing the cartridge with the damaged cassettes:
Make sure that the Index Piston is forced out of the cartridge (See stage B4 for details).
Prior to the removal of
the cartridge out of the filter housing it is necessary to force the Index Piston out of the Gear Turn cog-wheel.
Any attempt to pull out the cartridge while the Index Piston is “in” will cause damage.
Verify that the Index
Piston is locked at the “out” position by checking the proximity switch. The Index piston has two switches; the
closer one to the filter housing indicates that the piston is “in”, while the farthest switch indicates that the piston
is “out”. Make sure that the green led of the farthest switch is lighted up.
“In” Switch
“Out” Switch
Make sure that this
green led is lighted
Alternate the connection
to advance the Index