M O D E L 2 0 5
O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L
The Model 205 is shipped with a variety of peripheral equipment such as gas hoses, fittings and
cables. An exact list of these items is included with each power supply shipment and should be
located prior to setup.
After unpacking, inspect all items for obvious physical damage and loose parts. If
damage is evident, contact a factory representative before using. If water
condensation is apparent, dry the unit before using.
Check all fittings and connectors for proper seating and ensure that all protective
boots are in place. If the unit is not properly seated or protected short circuits, poor
connections or inert gas leaks could occur.
Ensure that all cables are routed and protected in such a way that they will not be
subject to heat or equipment / personnel traffic. Ensure that the cables DO NOT
come in contact with HOT PIPE.
For operation the Model 205 must be placed on a flat level surface capable of
supporting the weight of the unit, cables, and any other options. The Model 205
can be mounted on top of the optional water cooler provided the installation will
not cause the unit to topple over.
Check the gas and coolant hoses (if used) to ensure that they are not pinched or
bent as this will restrict flow.
Ensure that the Model 205 has adequate air flow and the intakes and exhaust vents
are not restricted.
Ensure that there is bare metal contact between the weldhead components which
connect to GROUND (clamp inserts, etc.) and the tube to be welded.