Asterion DC Multioutput ASA Series Operational Manual
Figure 3-12: Abort Status Screen
Home Screen Top-Level Menu
Selecting the Home icon or Up arrow will open the HOME screen. Each menu of a
screen could be selected by tapping its associated selection-field box through the
touch-screen, or by selecting it with the rotary encoder and depressing (clicking) the
rotary encoder SELECT switch. Refer to Figure 3-13, Figure 3-14, Figure 3-15 and
Table 3-2.
Figure 3-13: HOME Screen Menu 1
Figure 3-14: HOME Screen Menu 2
Figure 3-15: HOME Screen Menu 3
There are four virtual buttons visible on a screen: UP, LEFT, and RIGHT arrows, and
HOME icon. Those buttons that are highlighted are active for the screen being
displayed. The arrow buttons will scroll to the next page of the menu structure in the
direction indicated. The HOME button will return to the previous home screen that has
the top-level menu from which a sub-menu was entered. The HOME button is no
longer functional once a home screen is entered.