Quick start guide - Conducted
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Quick start guide HSC 4-8, CNI 508N2, SPN 508N1
HSC 4-8 Coupling / decoupling network
The HSC 4-8 is a specifically designed
CDN for testing high-speed
communication lines. Its unique design
allows data rates of up to 1,000MBit/s
to be transmitted without degradation
by the coupling/decoupling network.
The decoupling network protects the
auxiliary equipment limiting the residual
voltage to max. 50V@2kV for common-
mode surge test pulses.
Moreover, the HSC 4-8 fully supports
PoE and PoE+ standard requirements
as per IEEE 802.3.
The HSC 4-8 may also be used for
testing shielded cables as per IEC/EN
61000-4-5, Fig. 16.
Figure 60 - HSC 4-8
It simplifies the test set-up and offers proper decoupling of the auxiliary equipment as well as a high safety for the operator as
the surge is coupled through the HSC 4-8 rather than being directly applied to the metallic case of the DUT.
The HSC 4-8 may also be used to couple Ring Wave impulses (0.5 us/100 kHz) and burst pulses to shielded cables .
CNI 508 N2 Coupling / decoupling network
The CNI 508N2 is the predecessor of
the HSC 4-8 and can also be used for
testing high-speed communication lines.
Its unique design allows data rates of
up to 1,000MBit/s to be transmitted
without degradation by the
coupling/decoupling network.
However, unlike the HSC 4-8, it cannot
be used for ringwave tests.
Figure 61 - CNI 508N2
SPN 508 N1 Surge Protection Network
The SPN 8 protects the auxiliary equipment with a residual
voltage of less than 10V. This Ethernet surge protection device
can alternatively use for all other application where the user
must protect his devices from any overvoltage.
The SPN 8 has a galvanic isolation of the signal between protected
and unprotected side. For decoupling the pulse in direction to the
AE port, the surge protection network SPN 508 N1
must mandatory be connected at the opposite side of the EUT at
HSC 4-8 or CNI 508N2.
Figure 62 - SPN 508 N1