Page 10
Landmark Basic
Signal Processor
User Guide
4.5 Peak Picker
The averager function precedes the peak picker function on the proc-
essor signal path. The input to the peak picker will therefore be an
averaged signal. This can cause the output of the processor to appear
to be in error, particularly with a large averager response time and a
small peak picker decay time.
The Peak Picker decay rate is adjusted by turning ‘Decay’ knob (see Fig. 6).
1) To increase the Peak Picker decay time (i.e. to make it take longer to
decay), turn the knob clockwise.
2) To decrease the Peak Picker decay time (i.e. to make it decay faster),
turn the knob anticlockwise.
When the Peak Picker is set to minimum, the Peak Picker output tracks
the (averaged) signal input.
3) To switch off the Peak Picker, activate the remote reset (via pins 12 and
13, see Fig. 5).
Resetting the Peak Picker causes the signal to decay very quickly so that
it tracks the input signal.
A typical output of the Peak Picker time function is given in Fig. 8.
Raw signal Large decay time Small decay time Reset
Fig. 8 Typical output of the Peak Picker time function