120-volt power mains operation is possible with a reduction in CW or RTTY power.
Because average power is very low, SSB operation is unaffected by 120-volt operation. 120-
V fuse size is 25-amperes maximum.
Power Supply Features
Efficient operation from 200-260 volts ac (12 amperes typical at full output power)
Low standby and receive power drain, typically less than 100-watts with ALS-1306 attached and
Generator and inverter friendly with acceptable powerline frequency range 40 to 400 Hz
Fully-regulated current-limited outputs
Step-start to limit stress on power supply components
Exceptional filtering and RFI suppression eliminates receiver birdies common to most SMPS
Compact light-weight design
Power Supply Location
Locate the power supply in a convenient ventilated area near the amplifier location. Avoid placing the power
supply next to sensitive equipment, such as audio processors, transceivers, or microphones. For safety, ground
the wing nut stud on the supply rear to the station ground buss. The station ground buss should comply with
National Electrical Codes. NEC and fire protection codes mandate direct bonding of station ground rods or
systems to the power line entrance ground system. If station ground rods are not bonded to the utility entrance
ground, likelihood of equipment or property damage and personal risk increases.
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