6) The Zone Overview
menu shows a quick
view of each zone’s
current condition.
7) System wide settings
for all zones can be
seen at a glance in the
System Status screen.
10) System and Zone
Names may be set
in the Zone Names
screen. The “Rename
System” and “Rename
Zone” buttons al-
low entering custom
names from a keypad.
Pre-configured names
are also available.
8) A schedule for one
zone can be copied to
5) In zoned and multi-sys-
tem environments, the
main screen display will
change to indicate the
presence of multiple
zones. (Notice the new
zone button—labeled
“Upstairs”—at right.)
Arrow buttons navigate
between zone views.
9) Each zone’s schedule
can be viewed by cy-
cling through the zones
using the arrows in the
top left corner.