8200-0813-01, REV. B0
1 of 12
Ethernet Firmware
Upgrade Procedure
Installation Guide
About this Guide.................................................... 1
About the Upgrade ................................................ 1
Installation ............................................................. 2
Declarations ........................................................ 12
About this Guide
This installation guide explains how to perform the
Ethernet firmware upgrade to the MegaPower CPU
(MPCPU) in the MegaPower 3200 Video-Matrix
Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) System. Other
related documents are:
CPU ADMPCPU Installation and
Service Guide, 8200-0421-01
CPU ADMPCPU Administrator’s
Guide, 8200-0421-03
If you need assistance...
Contact your Technical Support Representative.
About the Upgrade
The upgrade updates existing firmware with the
latest revision level, which may include changes to
the FPGA, boot loader, and/or application files. It is
strongly recommended that all three (3) files be
upgraded together as a set to prevent performance
issues caused by incompatibility of mismatched
firmware components.
Changes in the MPCPU
database file structures as a result
of enhancements and/or feature
© 2009 Sensormatic Electronics Corp.
additions to the new firmware may render
existing segment or segments of the
database, or the database in its entirety,
incompatible with the new firmware. The
affected data portion may be automatically
reset to factory default without warning during
this procedure (i.e. current camera to monitor
selections may be reset so that all monitors
have camera one selected). Therefore, it is
strongly recommended that this procedure be
conducted during off-peak hours of operation
when possible disruptions to operator activities
are less like to have a significant impact on the
site’s day to day operations.
If the system architecture consists of only one
CPU, it is recommended that the flash
upgraded procedure not be performed during
peak hours. An EASY CPU Configurator
monitor status screen printout may be needed
to permit manually synchronizing the MPCPUs
monitors to the original camera selections
after the firmware flash upgrade is complete.
Be sure to allow sufficient time for this step in
the overall process.
If the system architecture includes two CPUs
in a hotswitch configuration, it is
recommended that the backup unit be flash
upgraded, its data be verified with EASY CPU
Configurator, and its monitors manually
synchronized to the currently active MPCPU’s
camera selections with a keyboard and the
EASY CPU Configurator. Then, make it the
selected CPU and check for normal operation.
Afterwards, proceed with the upgrade of the
originally selected MPCPU. Verify its data,
manually synchronize its monitors to the active
MPCPU’s camera selections, and test it by
making it the selected CPU once again.