American DJ Multi-Data/PAK User Instructions Download Page 3

a DMX or MIDI signal is present, the corresponding LED will begin to 

flash in the LCD DISPLAY (3). After you choose either DMX or MIDI, 

press the MENU Button (5) to activate your choice.

DMX Mode:

 When the unit is receiving a DMX signal, the DMX LED 

will begin flashing in the LCD DISPLAY (3) indicating a DMX signal is 

present. The unit will display the DMX address in LCD Display (6). This 

unit can operate on DMX channels 1-512 (

A001 - A512

). You can use the 

UP and DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select a starting DMX channel. This 

unit uses a total of 72 DMX channels.

MIDI Mode: 

When the unit is receiving a MIDI signal, the MIDI LED 

will begin flashing in the LCD DISPLAY (3) indicating a MIDI signal 

is present. The unit will also display a flashing MIDI NOTE number 



)in the LCD DISPLAY (3). This unit can operate on MIDI 

Notes 1-16. You may use the UP and DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select 

a starting MIDI Note number.

Hold Mode: 

This mode allows you to hold the last DMX setting if the 

DMX signal is interrupted. For example if hold function is off and you 

have channels 1 & 4 on and your DMX controller is turned off, DMX 

channels 1 & 4 will also turn off. If you turn the HOLD function on 

and disconnect you DMX signal, channels 1 & 4 will remain on until 

you disconnect the MULTI-DATA/PAK’s power or reconnect a DMX 

controller. To turn this function ON and OFF:

  1.  Press and hold down the MENU Button for three seconds.

  2.  When the LCD begins to flash, tap the MENU Button (5) twice to 

     activate the HOLD settings, this will be indicated by a flashing 

     LED next to “HOLD” in the LCD DISPLAY (3). 

  3.  Use the UP and DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select the On and Off 


  4.  When you have made your selection, tap the MENU BUTTON (5) 

     three times to exit this function and confirm your setting.

Speed Settings: 

This setting adjusts the speed of the internal chase. 

The The number of channels in a chase can be adjusted between 1-72 

channels. This chase can not be edited. To change the chase speed:

  1.  Press and hold down the MENU Button for three seconds.

  2.  When the LCD begins to flash, tap the MENU BUTTON (5) three 

     times to activate the SPEED settings. This will be indicated by 



 flashing in the LCD DISPLAY (3). 

  3.  Use the UP and DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select your desired 

     chase speed. The speed can be adjusted from 01 to 99. A setting 

     of 0 is the fastest chase speed at 1/10th of a second. A setting of 

     99 is the slowest chase speed at every 10 seconds.

  4.  When you have made you selection, tap the MENU BUTTON (5) 

     twice to exit this function and confirm your setting. 

Channel Setting:

 This setting allows you to change the starting DMX 

signal that will trigger the controller. To change this setting:

  1.  Press and hold down the MENU Button for three seconds.

  2.  When the LCD begins to flash, be sure the DMX LED on the left of 

     LCD DISPLAY (3) is flashing. If it is not flashing, use the UP and 

     DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select DMX mode.

  3.  When you are in DMX mode tap the MENU button (6) once to 

     activate the DMX settings. This will be indicated by 



     flashing in the LCD DISPLAY (3). 

  4.  Use the UP and DOWN Buttons (4 & 6) to select your desired 

     DMX address. The address can be changed from 001 to 512. 

  5.  When you have made you selection tap the MENU Button (6)four

     times to exit this function and confirm your setting.

Programming a BACK-UP Scene:

 This functions allows you to pro-

gram one scene in to the data pack’s memory. This scene can be recalled 

at any time. To program a scene:

  1.  With any DMX controller, program a scene using any of the 

     available 72 channels.

  2.  Press and hold down the SCENE BUTTON (8) for five seconds 

     until “


” is displayed in the LCD DISPLAY (3).

  3. To recall this scene press the SCENE BUTTON (8) at any time.



” will be displayed in the LCD DISPLAY (3) 

     indicating that the unit is running the stored scene. 

Chase Mode:

 To activate the unit’s chase function press the CHASE 

BUTTON (7), “


” will be displayed in the LCD DISPLAY (3) 

indicating chase mode has been activated. The unit will run a 72 channel 


American DJ Supply

®   Multi-Data/Pak™ Instruction Manual Page 5


American DJ Supply

®   Multi-Data/Pak™ Instruction Manual Page 6
