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American DJ

® - - Mega Flash DMX™ Instruction Manual Page 9

Show Designer.™ 
1.  To control your fixture in DMX mode, follow the set-up procedures  

on pages 5-6 as well as the set-up procedures included with


your DMX controller. 

2.  For longer cable runs (more than a 100 feet) use a terminator on  

the last fixture.

3.  Assign your desired address to the unit, and “flip” dipswitch #10  

to the “on” postion.

4.  The Mega Flash DMX™ uses two DMX channels. Channel 1 con 

trols the flash speed and chanel 2 controls the dimmer. Use your  


DMX controller to activate the various built-in patterns. See the  


bottom of this page for the DMX traits.

5.  For help operating in DMX mode consult the manual included   

with your DMX controller.



 If running in Master/Slave address configuration while using a  


DMX controller, follow the DMX address chart on page 12.    

  Mega Flash DMX™                          Operating Instructions






1               0 - 255                        FLASH SPEED

       2               0 - 255                      FLASH DIMMING     

  Mega Flash DMX™                                            DMX Traits

Mega Flash DMX™         Fuse and Lamp Replacement Cont.


American DJ

® - - Mega Flash DMX™ Instruction Manual Page 10

Warning! Allow the lamp to discharge all current. Allow the 
unit  24hrs.  to  discharge  before  changing  the  lamp.  Stored 
current can cause a very severe shock. 


If after you have replaced the lamp or fuse and you contin-

ue to blow either one, STOP using the unit. Contact customer support 
for further instructions, you may have to return the unit for servicing. 
Continuing to use the unit may cause serious damage.

Fuse  Replacement:


Disconnect  the  unit’s  main  power  supply. 

Insert  a  standard  flat  head  screw  driver  in  to  the  fuse  holder  hous-
ing  (located  on  the  rear  of  the  unit).  Turn  the  screwdriver  in  a  coun-
ter-clockwise  direction  to  remove  the  fuse  holder.  Remove  the  old 
fuse  and  discard  it,  replace  the  fuse  with  the  same  type.  Insert  the 
fuse holder back into it’s housing and turn in a clockwise direction to 
secure the holder in place.

Lamp  Replacement:


Caution!  Never  open  the  unit  when  in  use. 

Always disconnect the main power and allow the fixture ample time 
to cool before attempting to replace the lamp. Lamp replacement has 
been made simple by incorporating a remove tray that is retained by a 
single thumb screws. Again, please remember to always replace with 
the exact same type lamp. 
1.   Be sure to follow the proper procedures when handling halogen 

lamps. Never touch the new lamp with your bare fingers.

2.   Unscrew and remove the four phillips screws located on the front  

cover of the unit.

3.   Located on each side of the lamp are white ceramic wire con- 
      nection blocks.
4.   The ceramic block on the left side has one lamp wire connected  

to the bottom of it, they are secured by one phillips screw each.  


On the right side there are two lamp wires connected to the bot-


tom of the ceramic block.



When you disconnect the lamp wires to replace the  


lamp, you will have to remember which wire went where. They  


must be connected the same.

6.   Push out the metal tabs on each side of the lamp, and pull out  

the lamp as you do this. Replace the lamp with an exact match.  


Connect the three wires to the ceramic blocks as they were when  


you disconnected them. Reassemble in reverse order.  

Halogen  Lamp  Warning!

  This  fixture  is  fitted  with 

halogen lamps which are highly susceptible to dam-
age  if  improperly  handled.  Never  touch  the  lamps 
with your bare fingers as the oil from your hands will 
shorten  lamp  life.  Also,  never  move  the  fixture  until 
the lamps have had ample time to cool. Remember, 
lamps are not covered under warranty conditions.

  Mega Flash DMX™                Fuse and Lamp Replacement



Always  replace  with  the  exact  same  type  lamp  and  fuse, 

unless otherwise specified by an authorized American DJ



Replace with anything other than the specified part can damage your 
unit and will void your manufactures warranty.
