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 - - Krystal Instruction Manual Page 5


American DJ


  - - Krystal Instruction Manual Page 6

  Krystal                        Fuse & Lamp Replacement






General Operation:

 Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source 

voltage in your area matches the required voltage for your American 


 Krystal before attempting operation. 

Operating Modes:

This unit comes with a 3-way multi-operating switch located on the 
bottom  of  the  unit.  The  switch  controls  three  (3)  different  operating 
Switch  in  the  "I"  position:  Mode  1  -  In  this  mode  the  rotating  gobo 
and  the  external  mirror  dish  will  spin  continuously  in  one  direction, 
regardless of the presence of sound.
Switch in the “0” position: Mode 2 - In this mode the rotating gobo 
will continuously rotate while the external mirror dish will remain stat-
ic. In this mode the unit may be used as a rotating-gobo projector.
Switch  in  the  “II”  position:  Mode  3  -  In  the  this  mode  the  rotating 
gobo  will  continuously  rotate  in  one  direction  while  the  outer  mirror 
dish will react to sound. Please note that tapping on the unit, or high 
pitched sounds may not trigger the unit, the unit is designed to react 
to low frequencies (bass). Also note that the music sensitivity is pre-
set at the factory and may not be changed or adjusted. 

Halogen Lamp Warning!

 This fixture is fitted with 

halogen  lamps  which  are  highly  susceptible  to 
damage  if  improperly  handled.  Never  touch  the 
lamps  with  your  bare  fingers  as  the  oil  from  your 
hands will shorten lamp life. Also, never move the 
fixture until the lamps have had ample time to cool. 
Remember, lamps are not covered under warranty 



Always  replace  with  the  exact  same  type  lamp  and  fuse, 

unless  otherwise  specified  by  an  authorized  American  DJ



cian. Replace with anything other than the specified part can damage 
your unit and will void your manufactures warranty.


If  after  you  have  replaced  the  lamp  or  the  fuse  and  you 

continue to blow either one, STOP using the unit. Contact customer 
support  for  further  instructions,  you  may  have  to  return  the  unit  for 
servicing. Continuing to use the unit may cause serious damage.

Fuse Replacement:

 First uplug the power. The fuse holder is locat-

ed above the power cord. Using a flat-head screw driver unscrew the 
fuse holder. Remove the bad fuse and replace with a new one. 

Lamp  Replacement:

  Caution!  Never  open  the  unit  when  in  use. 

Always disconnect the main power and allow the fixture ample time 
to cool before attempting to replace the lamp. 

Again, please remem-

ber to always replace with the exact same type lamp. 

1.   Be sure to follow the proper procedures when handling halogen 


Never touch the new lamp with your bare fingers.

2.   Unscrew the single thumb screw located at the back of the unit.  
3.   Once the thumb screw has been removed, remove the lamp    

cover plate to expose the lamp. 

4.   Remove and replace the lamp with an exact match.
5.   Reassemble in reverse order.

Changing the gobo is a easy procedure. Follow the instructions 


  Never  open  the  unit  when  in  use.  Always  disconnect  the 

main power before attempting to change the gobo. 


 Make sure you have given the unit enough time to cool off, 

before doing this!
1. Unscrew the thumb screw located at the rear of the unit, and re- 
    move the lamp cover plate. Unscrew the thumb screw that secures  
    the gobo holder. Slide the gobo holder out.
2. Using a flathead screwdriver remove the gobo clip that secures     
    the gobo. Once removed, you can now push the gobo out and put  
    another gobo into its place. Put the gobo clip back in its place.
3. Slide the gobo holder back into place, and reassemble the unit.




        Changing the Gobo

The  unit  has  a  fully  focusing  lens.  The  lens  is  focused  by  manually 
turning the knob located on the front, in either a clockwise or coun-
ter-clockwise direction.





