American Control Electronics PWP110 Series Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

QSG-0094 rev 0


Minimum Speed (MIN): 

The MIN setting determines the minimum motor speed when the speed adjust

potentiometer is set for minimum speed. It is factory set for zero speed. To calibrate MIN:

          1. Set the MIN trim pot full CCW.

          2. Set the speed adjust potentiometer for minimum speed.

          3. Adjust the MIN trim pot until the desired minimum speed is reached or is just at the threshold



of rotation.

Maximum Speed (MAX): 

The MAX setting determines the maximum motor speed when the speed

adjust potentiometer is set for maximum speed. To calibrate MAX:

          1. Set the MAX trim pot full CCW.

          2. Set the speed adjust potentiometer for maximum speed.

          3. Adjust the MAX trim pot until the desired maximum speed is reached.

Check the MIN and MAX adjustments after recalibrating to verify that the motor runs at the

desired minimum and maximum speed.

Torque (CURR. LIMIT): 

The CURR. LIMIT setting determines the maximum torque for accelerating and 

driving the motor. To calibrate the CURR. LIMIT:

          1. With the power disconnected from the drive, connect a DC ammeter in series with the




          2. Set the CURR. LIMIT trim pot to minimum (full CCW).

          3. Set the speed adjust potentiometer to maximum speed (full CW).

          4. Carefully lock the motor armature. Be sure that the motor is firmly mounted.

          5. Apply line power. The motor should be stopped.

          6. Slowly adjust the CURR. LIMIT trim pot CW until the armature current is 150% of motor



rated armature current. 

Continuous operation beyond this rating may damage the motor.

          7. Turn the speed adjust potentiometer CCW.

          8. Remove line power.

          9. Remove the stall from the motor.

        10. Remove the ammeter in series with the motor armature if it is no longer needed.

IR Compensation (IR COMP): 

The IR COMP setting determines the degree to which motor speed is

held constant as the motor load changes. To calibrate the IR COMP:

          1. Set the IR COMP trim pot full CCW.

          2. Increase the speed adjust potentiometer until the motor runs at midspeed without load. A



handheld tachometer may be used to measure motor speed.

          3. Load the motor armature to its full load armature current rating. The motor should slow down.

          4. While keeping the load on the motor, rotate the IR COMP trim pot until the motor runs at the



speed measured in step 2. If the motor oscillates (overcompensation), the IR COMP trim pot



may be set too high (CW). Turn the IR COMP trim pot CCW to stabilize the motor.

          5. Unload the motor.


- Verify that no foreign conductive material is present on the printed circuit board.

1. To turn on the drive, turn the speed adjust potentiometer clockwise until it clicks.

2. Slowly advance the speed adjust potentiometer clockwise (CW). The motor slowly accelerates as the potentiometer is turned CW. Continue until the desired speed is reached.

3. Turn the speed adjust potentiometer fully counterclockwise (CCW) until it clicks to shut the drive off.

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