1. AMEC 001 307000123 1.36 1.31
2. AMEC 006 307012456 0.85 1.17
3. AMEC 014 307000045 1.17 1.21
5.7 Dangerous Targets Information
Step 1:
On the main display / radar view, press the <DISP> key one time to switch to the
Step 2:
On the dangerous targets list, the [003] on the top left corner stands for the total numer
of dangrous targets.
Step 3:
Use the <UP> and <DOWN> keys to select the dangerous target to view.
Step 4:
Use the <LEFT> and <RIGHT> keys to scroll to the next or previous pages.
Step 5:
Press the <ENT> key on the selected dangerous target to view its ship detials.
(Refer to section
for details)