Screen division button. You can select 1 or 4 to see live pictures of any single
channel or 4 channels, in case of 4 channel DVR. If you select 1, you can further
select channel number from 1 to 4 to see pictures of selected channel. If you
selected 4, you swill see channel number from 1 to 4 are all activated.
Channel number button. You can select channel number to see live pictures from
selected channel.
Status window. It shows Date and Time. Further it displays “Connection
established” and a circular fan on the left bottom is rotating when connection
button is activated, or “Waiting for connection” when disconnection button is
Set button.
Setting : It is in the middle of 3 buttons. Press this button to input IP Address and
others and to set circular monitoring interval and scan rate, In SETTING
window, you can set folder where you will save picture you selected during
playback(scan) or series of pictures in AVI format. Name of file is generated
automatically, and picture or series of pictures are saved on the folder you
assigned in advance with file name consisting
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