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© 2013 Advanced Mic”o Devices Inc. A–– ”ights ”ese”ved.
The contents of this docu—ent a”e p”ovided in connection with Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc. ( AMD ) p”oducts.

AMD —akes no ”ep”esentations o” wa””anties with ”espect to the accu”acy o” co—p–eteness of the contents of

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AMD's p”oducts a”e not designed, intended, autho”ized o” wa””anted fo” use as co—ponents in syste—s

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AMD, the AMD A””ow –ogo, AMD Ath–on, AMD Cata–yst, AMD C”ossFi”e, AMD Radeon, Cata–yst Cont”o– Cente”,

and co—binations the”eof a”e t”ade—a”ks of Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc.

HDMI is a –icensed t”ade—a”k of HDMI Licensing, LLC.

Pentiu— is a ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”k of Inte– Co”po”ation o” its subsidia”ies in the United States and othe”


Linux is a ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”k of Linus To”va–ds.

Windows and Windows Vista a”e ”egiste”ed t”ade—a”ks of the Mic”osoft Co”po”ation in the United States and/

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Dolby Laboratories, Inc.

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Rovi Corporation

This device is p”otected by U.S. patents and othe” inte––ectua– p”ope”ty ”ights. The use of Rovi Co”po”ation's

copy p”otection techno–ogy in the device —ust be autho”ized by Rovi Co”po”ation and is intended fo” ho—e

and othe” –i—ited pay-pe”-view uses on–y, un–ess othe”wise autho”ized in w”iting by Rovi Co”po”ation.

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Whi–e eve”y p”ecaution has been taken in the p”epa”ation of this docu—ent, Advanced Mic”o Devices, Inc.

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–atest docu—entation.


AMD Radeon  R9 290 Series



Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Summary of Contents for Radeon R9 290 Series

Page 1: ...AMD Radeon R9 290 Series User Guide Part Number 53873_enu_1 0...

Page 2: ...tion o its subsidia ies in the United States and othe count ies Linux is a egiste ed t ade a k of Linus To va ds Windows and Windows Vista a e egiste ed t ade a ks of the Mic osoft Co po ation in the...

Page 3: ...nce Heed all warnings A wa nings ega ding the p oduct and its ope ating inst uctions shou d be obeyed Use appropriate grounding Caution Fo continued p otection against the isk of e ect ic shock and fi...

Page 4: ...iv AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 5: ...ol Center Software 11 4 1 Control Center Overview 11 4 2 Starting the Control Center Software 11 4 3 Using the Control Center Help System 12 Chapter 5 Reference 15 5 1 Troubleshooting 15 5 1 1 Graphic...

Page 6: ...n 22 5 3 8 C Tick Australia and New Zealand 23 5 3 9 Product Environmental Compliance 23 5 3 10 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE Directive Compliance European Union 24 vi AMD Radeon R9 2...

Page 7: ...a e st ong y eco ended fo a ist of ce tified powe supp ies see ati a d co ce tifiedpsu 4 GB RAM 6 GB RAM o g eate is eco ended fo AMD C ossFi e techno ogy CD ROM o DVD ROM d ive fo insta ing softwa e...

Page 8: ...The e phasized nu be s in bo d a e e ui ed fo egist ation and f ee suppo t Figure 1 1 Sample Serial and Part Numbers 2 Getting Started AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 9: ...t 2 Tu n off and disconnect you co pute syste 3 If needed e ove any o d g aphics ca d s 4 Insta the new g aphic ca d 5 Reasse b e and connect you co pute syste and disp ay s 6 Sta t the co pute syste...

Page 10: ...seated 7 If you ca d e ui es supp e enta y powe and ust be connected di ect y to the powe supp y ocate the app op iate powe connecto cab e s f o the powe supp y and connect it o the to the g aphics c...

Page 11: ...e such as a g aphics ca d When you insta a new g aphics ca d you ust a so insta the d ive and configu ation softwa e the ca d e ui es to function p ope y You a so need to insta o einsta you AMD Radeon...

Page 12: ...6 Hardware and Software Installation AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 13: ...igure 3 1 AMD Radeon R9 290 Display Connections 1 Disp ayPo t DP connection Ca ies video and audio signa s to Disp ayPo t co p iant devices 2 HDMI connection Type A Ca ies video and audio signa s to H...

Page 14: ...ection f o a Disp ayPo t connection to a non Disp ayPo t disp ay using Disp ayPo t signa s Passive dong es A ows connection f o a Disp ayPo t connection to a non Disp ayPo t disp ay using non Disp ayP...

Page 15: ...ct a disp ay to you g aphics ca d using an adapte 1 Tu n off you co pute and disp ay 2 P ug the adapte into the connection f o you AMD Radeon g aphics ca d and tighten the thu bsc ews if the e a e any...

Page 16: ...ies Note The Cont o Cente softwa e app ication can a so enab e and configu e u tip e onito s b To access the basic u ti onito configu ation settings c ick the Settings tab c Se ect the onito icon iden...

Page 17: ...easy access to a avai ab e featu es and settings It a so p ovides a sea ch featu e fo finding specific pages as we as the abi ity to book a k pages by pinning the within the app ication The fo owing...

Page 18: ...supe use befo e unning the co and amdcccle Run the co and sudo amdcccle and p ovide the supe use passwo d when p o pted Run the co and amdxdg su c amdcccle and p ovide the supe use passwo d when p o...

Page 19: ...The he p syste opens to p ovide context sensitive he p fo the cu ent page o gene a usage info ation Using the Control Center Software 13 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD Radeon R9 290 Series...

Page 20: ...14 Using the Control Center Software AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc...

Page 21: ...ches the othe boa d Fo o e info ation on bus types see know edgebase a tic e GPU 59 How to Install AMD Graphics Hardware 5 1 1 2 The computer beeps and the boot process stops Make ce tain that the g a...

Page 22: ...ftwa e is sti insta ing Wait 20 30 inutes to ake su e the softwa e has finished insta ing and then esta t the co pute 5 1 2 HDTV Adapter Troubleshooting The fo owing t oub eshooting tips ay he p if yo...

Page 23: ...o e t oub eshooting steps see know edgebase GPU 10 Inability to Select a Specific Resolution for a Display Device in AMD Catalyst Control Center 5 2 Customer Care The AMD Custo e Ca e Web site has nu...

Page 24: ...nfo ation app ies to C ass A and C ass B p oducts 5 3 1 FCC Compliance Information USA Class A This device co p ies with Pa t 15 of the FCC Ru es Ope ation is subject to the fo owing conditions 1 this...

Page 25: ...o owing easu es Re o ient o e ocate the eceiving antenna Inc ease the sepa ation between the e uip ent and eceive Connect the e uip ent to an out et on a ci cuit diffe ent f o that to which the eceive...

Page 26: ...ation Techno ogy E uip ent I unity Cha acte istics Li its and Methods of Measu e ents 5 3 4 Electrical Safety Eu ope The Low Vo tage Di ective 2006 95 EC EN 60950 1 Safety of Info ation Techno ogy E...

Page 27: ...ay be e ui ed to take co ective actions VCCI V 3 Class B T ans ation This is a C ass B p oduct based on the standa d of the VCCI Counci If this is used nea a adio o te evision eceive in a do estic en...

Page 28: B E uip ent Househo d pu pose info te eco unications e uip ent As this e uip ent has unde gone EMC egist ation fo househo d pu pose this p oduct can be used in any a ea inc uding esidentia a ea KN2...

Page 29: ...ion 182 AS NZS CISPR 22 5 3 9 Product Environmental Compliance This p oduct ay ca y a a king si i a to those be ow that indicates its eve of co p iance with China RoHS standa ds Fo info ation on China...

Page 30: ...ste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE Directive Compliance European Union This p oduct was anufactu ed by Advanced Mic o Devices Inc 24 Reference AMD Radeon R9 290 Series 2013 Advanced Micro De...
