Record Type
: These columns designate which recording type should be recorded to which event type. Check the
box at the intersection of the record type and event type to designate where that recording should be sent to.
To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To refresh the page, click the Refresh button. To save
the settings, click the Save button.
SD Card
This tab is where the user can change SD card settings. Below is a screenshot of the SD Card tab:
Below is an explanation of the fields on the SD Card settings tab:
Device Name
: This column designates the name of the SD card that is currently in the camera.
: This column designates the status of the SD card.
: This column designates the read/write attributes for the SD card. By default, this is Read &
Used Capacity/Total
: This column shows the available memory on the SC card.
Read Only
: This button allows the user to designate an SD card as read only.
Read & Write:
This button allows the user to designate an SD card to read and & write privileges.
This button refreshes the SD card table.
This button formats the SD card.
This tab is where the user can change FTP settings. Below is a screenshot of the FTP tab: