How to Access a Device Using Firefox
The latest update of Mozilla Firefox will be discontinuing the use of plugins which may cause issues with accessing the web user
interface for your device while using Firefox. The plugin will affect the ability to view and playback, however, setting changes will
still be available using this method on most devices.
We are currently working on a more permanent solution to the issue but currently, we recommend using a previous version of
Firefox such as Firefox 49.0.2. For more information on how to revert to Mozilla Firefox 49.0.2. refer to the instructions provided
Reverting to Firefox 49.0.2.
To use the Firefox web browser with your device a previous version, such as 49.0.2. is recommended. You can download the
previous version of Firefox by clicking
. To revert to this version, click on the .exe file provided and then click “
” to begin
The file will then begin to extract the setup Wizard. Click
to continue the process.