The camera’s local video output quality is not enough.
8. The camera is unable to connect to WiFi.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
The network is not stable.
The WiFi settings in the camera are not configured. (
refer to section WiFi
Interference from obstructions between camera and router.
The distance is too far for the camera to connect.
9. The alarm signal cannot be disarmed.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
An alarm may be setup incorrectly.
An alarm output may have been manually opened.
There may be an error in the camera’s firmware.
10. Alarms are not working.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
The alarm is not setup correctly.
The alarm cable is not connected correctly.
The alarm input signal is not correctly configured.
There are two loops connected to one alarm device.
11. Downloaded files cannot be played back.
Below are a few possible reasons why this may be occurring:
The media player software on the PC may not be able to read the file format.
The PC may not have DirectX 8.1 or higher.
The PC may not have Windows XP or higher.
When I login via HTTPS, a dialogue says the certificate has expired or is not valid yet.
Ensure the PC has the same time as the camera’s system time.
Glossary of Terms
Alarm Delay
The gap in time between alarm activation and Relay alarm activation.
Alternate Gateway
The node on the computer network that the network software uses when an IP address does not
match any other routes in the routing table, and when the default gateway is not available.
This time value controls how long the alarm signal lasts. The values in this field can range from 5 to 600
seconds. Based on motion detection, a buzzer can go off, a tour can begin, a snapshot can be taken, or the camera can
begin recording.
Stands for Dynamic Domain Name System. DDNS is a
method of automatically updating
Domain Name System (DNS), often in real time, with the active DNS configuration of its configured hostnames, addresses or
other information.
Default Gateway
The node on the computer network that the network software uses when an IP address does not match
any other routes in the routing table.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP
address to a computer from a defined range of numbers (i.e., a scope) configured for a given network.
Fluency described the lack of stuttering or excessive delay in a video stream. Fluency usually comes at the
expense of video quality when a network is constrained.
IP Address
Internet Protocol Address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer
network. The IP address allows communication between different devices on a network.