Note: Once the
password is
changed here, it
will take effect
immediately. If
you forget your
password, you can
always hard reset
the camera using
the steps detailed
in the FAQs
section of this
Note: To connect
your camera to
smartphones and
tablets, please use
the P2P Setup
method as outlined
on section 4.3.3.
To ensure the security of your camera, you
will be asked to change the password for your
camera’s default username (admin). Please
select a password that is at least 8 characters
long and one that uses a combination of
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and
numbers. Then, tap Change Password.
Your camera is now ready to go! Tap the Start
Live Preview button to get started!
Still not working?
If you have a dual band router, and your camera does not connect to your WiFi network after following the WiFi
Configuration method below, please use the Ethernet WiFi Setup method as detailed in section 4.3.2.
Tip: To better understand the App's interface and features, please visit the Help Center within the app. To access
the Help Center, tap the menu icon on the top left hand side, tap Help, then select which screen you'd like more
information about. For additional assistance, please contact us at www.amcrest.com or give us a call at 1-888-212-
7538. Step by step video tutorials available at www.amcrest.com/videos