Before dismounting from the tractor shut off the engine set the parking brake and remove the key.
1. Prior to unhitching the ditcher from the tractor at the end of the use season or for an
extended period of time review
the Extended Ditcher Storage Recommendations Section
of this manual.
2. Raise the ditcher high enough so the skid shoe can be adjusted and both parking stands
can be secured in the
holes that match the size of the cutter head.
3. Lower both parking stands to the selected height based on the cutter head diameter and
install the hair pins to lock both stands in place. Double check to make sure both parking
stands are securely in place. Adjust the skid shoe as needed for Step 4.
4. Slowly lower the ditcher until the skid shoe and both parking stands have come in contact
with a firm flat surface. The buster shank and cutter head should be slightly above ground
5. Disconnect the PTO shaft safety chain from tractor.
6. Pull back on the tractor end PTO shaft yoke collar and hold while sliding the PTO shaft
yoke collar off of the tractor PTO shaft.
7. Place the yoke end of the PTO shaft in the PTO hanger attached to the side of the ditcher
3-point hitch. Ditchers built prior to
June 1, 2015
hold the yoke end
under the upper 3-point
hitch pin and secure it in place with a length of chain and klik pins.
8. Remove the klik pin and pin connecting the tractor 3-point center link to the ditcher. Place
the tractor 3-point center link into its storage position.
9. Remove lower 3-point klik pins and hitch pins from lower 3-point clevises.
10. Lower the 3-point lift arms below the clevises.
11. Use care while driving the tractor away from ditcher make sure the lower 3-point lift arms
are free from the ditcher and do not pull against it.
12. Pull the tractor away from the ditcher. Before dismounting the tractor shut off the engine
set the parking brake and remove the key. Reinstall the ditcher 3-point hitch pins, bushing,
and klik pins.
Make sure the tractor drawbar is moved to one side, retracted or removed. Do not leave the
drawbar in the middle of the tractor as damage may occur to the PTO shaft.
1. Make sure the ditcher is properly attached to the tractor