IF900T IT-EN v1.0
Togliere la vite e aprire la cover facendo pressione nel punto di chiusura (vedi sisegno). Rimuovere la scheda elettronica dal fondo
,in plastica e forare gli sfondabili che si desidera utilizzare per il fissaggio.
Rimontare la sheda e richiudere il coperchio.
Per memorizzare il dispositivo sul ricevitore, inserire la batteria nell’apposito vano, seguendo la giusta polarità, dopodichè utilizzare
il tasto LEARN , oppure inserire il codide ID direttamente sul softaware di programmazione della centrale o nella tastiera di
programmazione. Per la configurazione fare riferimento al manuale della centrale.
: Each detection is notified by the LED activation for 1 second. After the first detection the sensor needs
10/20 sec. to become operative. After this time the sensor will be operative.The return to the operative state is notified by a LED
with 3 fast blinks. The test mode is automatically activated during the first power up, the duration is 10 alarm cycles. After the
counting, the sensor will go in stand by mode (no alarm, no led). For re set the test mode open and close the tamper switch, or go
in keypad and enabled tes mode.
: With the two-way system, all sensors will be inhibited when the system is disarmed, therefore will
not report any violations in the field of action, avoiding unnecessary consumption.
When the system is disarmed the sensor sends only the normal life test signal, as required by EN50131 rules. When the system
is armed, the sensors of the partition selected will be operative, that will give alarm in their detection area. The time between
detection is 5’’. For LED walk test, it is possible to disable for reduce consumption, if is active the time of alarm detection signal is
of half second.
Remove scraw and by using a thin instrument, push the round button on the front of the detector (see figure) and open the cover.
Remove the electronic board from the bottom of the cover by acting on the terminal side clip. Perforate the knockouts you want
to use for fixing.
To program the device into the receiver, insert the battery in the proper space, following the right polarity, and then use the LEARN
Button to send the Learning Signal to the receiver, or insert the ID code in keypad menu or in programming software.
For set up follow the instructions in panel.
Sfondabile alternativo passaggio cavi
Alternative cable passage
premere per aprire
push to open
fori di fissaggio
fixing holes