Version 1.3
©Copyright 2013, Ambient LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Page 20
value is flashing, hold the
button for three seconds to reset to the current value and current date
and time.
Press the
button to proceed to the next maximum value, as defined in Table 1.
Maximum Parameter
1 Wind Speed
2 Wind Gust
3 1 Hour Rain
4 24 Hour Rain
5 Weekly Rain
6 Monthly Rain
7 Outdoor Humidity
8 Outdoor Temperature
9 Wind Chill
10 Dew Point
11 Indoor Humidity
12 Indoor Temperature
Table 1
Min Mode
After entering the minimum display mode (reference Section 5.4), press the
button to display the
minimum values and associated time and date stamp it occurred as referenced in Table 1. While the
value is flashing, hold the
button for three seconds to reset to the current value and current date
and time.
Press the
button to proceed to the next minimum value, as defined in Table 2.
Minimum Parameter
1 Outdoor Humidity
2 Outdoor Temperature
3 Wind Chill
4 Dew Point
5 Indoor Humidity
6 Indoor Temperature
Table 2
Calibration Mode
Calibration Discussion
The purpose of calibration is to fine tune or correct for any sensor error associated with the
devices margin of error. Errors can occur due to electronic variation (example, the temperature sensor
is a resistive thermal device or RTD, the humidity sensor is a capacitance device), mechanical
variation, or degradation (wearing of moving parts, contamination of sensors).
Calibration is only useful if you have a known calibrated source you can compare it against, and is
optional. This section discusses practices, procedures and sources for sensor calibration to reduce
manufacturing and degradation errors. Do not compare your readings obtained from sources such as
the internet, radio, television or newspapers. The purpose of your weather station is to measure
conditions of your surroundings, which vary significantly from location to location.