June, 2010
Power on both transmitter and receiver unit using the supplied power adapters
from the standard package.
Connect the wireless transmitter unit to the A/V source device by using the
supplied composite RCA cable and power them on thereafter.
Connect the wireless receiver unit to the TV display or video monitor by using
the supplied composite RCA cable and power them on thereafter. Make sure
TV is set for displaying the right video channel input.
Check and make sure that the ID code setting is the same on both the
transmitter and receiver unit.
Take the remote controller of the AV source device (ex. STB / DVD) to where
the receiver is located.
Try aiming your remote control toward the front panel of the receiver unit and
you should see the IR Remote Data LED on the front panel of the receiver unit
start to flash in red.
At any time if you need to change the channel frequency for transmission,
simply press the channel select button on the top of the receiver unit. There
are 4 channels of frequencies to be selected.
The receiver will not
function properly if you press the channel button for switching channel while
the IR Data LED is flashing.