iptablesrocks.org - Testing your new firewall
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The iptablesrocks.org iptables firewall setup guide
Testing your new firewall:
With you firewall now up and running, it's time to run a few simple tests on it to make sure it's doing it's job.
From a remote server, try the following:
1. SSH to your server. A successful connection will be logged in the firewall logs at /var/log/firewall. This will ensure that the ACCEPT logging functions
are working correctly.
2. Run the "nmap" utility against your server (nmap, where is your server's IP). The default namp attempt will probably fail. This is good.
You can add other flags to the nmap probe to further test the server. While your firewall won't be albo to block ALL portscans, it should block many and
make the others a bit more time consuming and troublesome. A portion nmap probe's activities should be logged in the /var/log/firewall logfile. The log
entries will confirm that the server's DROP logging functions are working correctly.
3. Try to ping your server. This should fail, since all ping requests are being dropped by the firewall.
4. FTP to your server and test for full FTP functionality. If you can't get directly listings, you will need to add the "ip_conntrack_ftp" module with the
command "
insmod ip_conntrack_ftp
OK, assuming all your tests went smoothly your firewall should be in good shape. In the next step, we'll install the "Iptables Log Analyzer" package
which will allow you to view your log entries in a nice web based environment.
Proceed to the next step
syntax & structure
Site last modified:
February 13, 2004 15:27:51
http://www.iptablesrocks.org/guide/test.php [2/13/2004 8:04:54 PM]