Amana AER5511A Use & Care Manual Download Page 59

Summary of Contents for AER5511A

Page 1: ...CHeaningProcedures Maintenance 19 20 Oven Window Oven Light Troubleshooting 21 22 Warranty Service 23 Guide d utilisation et d entretien 24 Gu_a de Use y Cuidado 59 Form No B 11 04 Part No 8113P477 60...

Page 2: ...mbo s Words Labe s result in severe persona injury or death CAUTION _ HaZaFdSOrunsafe practices which COULD Read and follow al_ nstruet ons before us rig th s app anee to prevent the potential risk of...

Page 3: ...arts Wear proper apparel Loose fitting or long hanging sleeved pard should not be worn while cooking Clothing may ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with heating elements Always place...

Page 4: ...his guide Do not dean door gasket The door gasket is essential for a good seal Care should be taken not to rub damage or move the gasket Do not use oven cleaners or oven liners of any kind in or aroun...

Page 5: ...rge amounts of liquids BEFORECOOKING o Always place a pan on the surface unit before you turn Jt on To prevent damage to range never operate surface unit without a pan in place o NEVER use the cooktop...

Page 6: 17 for more information Before first use dean the cooktop CHean your cooktop daiHyor after each use This wiHH keep your cooktop Hookinggood and can prevent damage if a spiHHover occurs whiHecooking...

Page 7: ...bubbles mean good performance and uneven bubbles indicate hot spots and uneven cooking See Cooking Made Simple booklet for more information Semect Avoid Flat smooth bottom Pans with grooved or warped...

Page 8: error occurs Note Four seconds after pressing the A or V pads the time or temperature will automatically be entered If more than 30 seconds elapse between touching a function pad and the A or V pad...

Page 9: ...nd the time begins counting down The Hastminute of the timer countdown wiHH be dispHayed as seconds 4 At the end of the set time one long beep wiii sound To cancel the Timer 1 Press and hoHdthe Timer...

Page 10: ...isplayed If you forget to turn off the oven it will automatically turn off at the end of 12 hours If you wish to deactivate this feature see page 12 For additional baking and roasting tips see Cooking...

Page 11: ...HOLD flash Cook Hold BAKE stays Hit 5 PressA to set the baking time The DeHay time DELAY BAKE and HOLD Hightin the dispHay When the Delay time has expired DELAY wiHH turn off Baking time is dispHayed...

Page 12: ...ptimal food quality oven cooked foods should be kept warm for no longer than 1 to 2 hours To keep foods from drying cover loosely with foil or a Hid To warm dinner rolls cover rolls loosely with foil...

Page 13: ...temperature set the temperature 25 higher or lower than your recipe recommends then bake The results of the test should give you an idea of how much to adjust the temperature To adjust the oven tempe...

Page 14: ...owning to be slightly lighter if appliance is installed on a 208 volt circuit HI is used for most broiling Use LO broil when broiling longer cooking foods The lower temperature allows food to cook to...

Page 15: ...port in the oven 2 Tilt the front end up slightly Slide rack back until it clears the lock stop position 3 Lower front and slide back into the oven Do not cover an entire rack with alaminam foil or pl...

Page 16: ...through the Before Se f Cmeaning 1 Turn off the oven light before cleaning The light may burn out during the clean cycle 2 Remove broiler pan all pans and oven racks from the oven The oven racks will...

Page 17: ...n the display to show that the oven is set for a delayed clean operation The delay time is displayed When the Self Clean cycle star s DELAY will turn off The clean time will appear in the display To c...

Page 18: ...olpad and display area Remove knobs in the OFF position by pulling forward Wash rinse and dry Do not use abrasive cleaning agents as they may scratch the finish Turn on each dement to be sure the knob...

Page 19: ...e and dry To poHishand heHpprevent fingerprints foHHow with StainHessSteeH Magic Spray Part No 20000008 Moderate Heavy Soil Wipe with one of the foHHowing Ben Ami Smart CHeanser or Soft Scrub using a...

Page 20: ...arms To replace 1 Grasp door at each side 2 Align slots in the door with the hinge arms on the range 3 Slide the door down onto the hinge arms until the door is completely seated on the hinges Push d...

Page 21: ...drawer giides into the raiis in the range 2 Lift up the front of the drawer and gently push in to the first stop position 3 Lift drawer up again and push until drawer is closed Convenience Out et Can...

Page 22: ...It is not recommended to adjust the temperature if only one or two recipes are in question See Cooking Made Simple booklet for more information on bakeware and baking Food is not broiming properly or...

Page 23: ...disappear after a few uses Initiating a clean cycle wiii burn off the odors more quickly Turning on a ventilation fan wiii help remove the smoke and or odor Excessive food soils on the oven bottom Us...

Page 24: ...unreasonable use d Incorrect electric current voltage or supply e Improper setting of any control 2 Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been removed altered or cannot be readily d...

Page 25: ...Surface _ dessus Nsse Cuissen darts le four 32 39 Cuisson eourante Cuisson et maintien Cuisson diff6ree Maintien au chaud Cuisson au gril Grilles du four Nettoyage 40 43 Four autonettoyant M6thodes de...

Page 26: ...n Iors de Finstallation de Fentretien ou du fonctionnement de pare Toujours prendre contact avec le fabricant darts le cas de probbmes ou de conditions qui ne seraient pas comprises Reconna tre Ues6ti...

Page 27: ...brQier Iest important d enseigner aux enfants que I appareil et les ustensiies places dedans peuvent atre chauds Laisser refroidir les ustensiies en un lieu sQr hors d atteinte des enfants I est impo...

Page 28: bullition de la graisse Veiller a ne jamais laisser le contenu liquide d un ustensile s evaporer completement I ustensile et I appareil pourraient subir des dommages Si un ustensib est plus petit q...

Page 29: ...ent 6viter de toucher la surface de cuisson durant Fautonettoyage Avertissement et avis important pour la securit6 La Ioi californienne _ Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforce ment Act _ de 1986 propo...

Page 30: ...ite de Iiquide AVANTU_ CU SSON APRESLA CUISSON Placer ml oursIustensde sur1 616ment avantdalimen er e ement Pour o S assurer que 616ment estarr6t 6viterqueta CLslnlerenesub sse desdommages ne amaislai...

Page 31: ...commando jusqu b ceque la zone ait refroidi Co seils de protectio de la s rface dess s lisse Netto_g plusd informations _ la page 82 Avant des en servirla premierelois nettoyerla table de cuisson Net...

Page 32: ...tourner la commandosur High _lev6 2 Observerlaformation de hullos IorsqueI eau chauffe Desbulles uniformessignifient de bonnesperformanceset des bulles in6galesindiquent la presencedezonesplus chaudes...

Page 33: et horloge Utilisation des touches o Appuyersur Iatouche d6sir6e Appuyersur latouche A Plus ou _ Moins pourentrer la dur6e ou latemp6rature o Un bip retentit IorsqueI on appuiesur une touche o Un d...

Page 34: ...I heure uste paraisse_ I afficheur o Lesdeux pointscontinuent _ clignoter Appuyer _ nouveausur la toucheTh_erou attendrequatre secondes o Los deux points continuent _ clignoter et le d6compte de la du...

Page 35: ...Ajustementde Ja temp aturedu four a lapage37 Remarques sur Uacuisson courante atl four Pour changer ma temp ature du four pendant ma cuissen appuyersur Bake pub sur latouche A ou _ iusqu a ceque la te...

Page 36: ...e Delay O6marragediff6r6 o Le mot DELAY ATTENTE clignote Delay o 00 00ciignote a I afficheur 2 Appuyersur latouche A ouT pour program mer la dur6ed attente AIors que le motDELAYclignote toujours 3 App...

Page 37: ...l Annule0 2 Retirerla nourriture du four Remarques sur Uafonction maintien au chaud o Pourobtenir des qualitesalimentaireset nutritivesoptimales les alimentscuits au four ne doiventpasetre gardesau ch...

Page 38: ...netemp6raturede 15 C 25 F plus elev6eou plus bassoque la temperatureindiqu6edarts la recette puis faire cuire la preparation Lesr6sultatsdu test de cuissondoiventdonnerune id6edu hombrede degresduquel...

Page 39: ...Iongueset un rissolageIeg_rementmoinsdot6 si I appareilfonctionne sur un circuit de 208volts o LegriI au r6glageHI Elevd est utilisepour la majoritedes op ationsde cuissonau griLUtiliser Iegril au r6...

Page 40: ...r 2 SouleverI_gerementI avant Faireglisserlagrille versI arriere au dei_de la position decaiage 3 AbaisserIa griIle et lafaire glisserclanslefour Ne pas reeouvrir matotumit6 d une grille avec de mafeu...

Page 41: ...u hublot du four 4 Pourempechertout dommage nepas nettoyerni frotter lejoint qui se trouve __ autour de Ia porte du four Cejoint est con_u pour eviterIespertesde chaleur __ pendant ie cycled autonetto...

Page 42: ...autonettoyage Lorsquele mot LOCKparait a rafficheur la porte ne peut 6tre ouverte Pour6viterd endommagerla porte ne pasla forcer pour I ouvrirIorsqueIe motLOCKest affiche Fum6e et odeurs La premierel...

Page 43: ...s de Place chaquebouton_ lapositiond ARRET et retirerchaqueboutonen letirant eommande Laver rinceret faires6cher Ne pasutiliserunagentde nettoyage abrasifsusceptible derayerlafinition Fairefonctionner...

Page 44: ...cSpraypouracier inoxydable pi6cen 20OOOOO8 _ Salet_ mod_rde 6paisse Essuyer avecI undesproduitssuivants BonAmi_ Srna_t Cleanse ouSoftScrub _ b I aided un lingesoupleoud une_pongehumide Rinceret sdcher...

Page 45: ...nettoyage en poudrequi nsqueraientde rayer leverre 2 Ne pas heurter le hublot enverre avecun ustensib un articlede mobilbr un jouet etc 3 Ne pasfermer la porte du four avantque bs grilles ne sobnt en...

Page 46: ...u tiroir dartsles rails de la cuisiniere 2 SouIeverI avantdu tiroir et pousserdoucementjusqu _ la positionde Iapremierebut6e 3 SouIeverde nouveauletiroir et le pousserpour le fermeL Prise de courant a...

Page 47: ...emplacementpage39 S assurerque Iacuis niere estd apJomb Les r6giagesde temperaturevarientsouvententre un four neuf et le four qu iJremplace On observesouvent unederivedu reghge de temp6ratured un four...

Page 48: ...eciest normaldurant lacuissond alimentscontenant beaucoupd eau Utilisationexcessived humidite Iorsdu nettoyagedu hubiot Ceciest normalpour un four neuf et disparaitapr6s quelquesutilisations Un cycled...

Page 49: ...48...

Page 50: ...ou usageabusifou demisonnabb d Alimentation electriqueCtension intensit incorrecte e Reglageincorrectd une commande 2 Lesgarantiesnepeuventetre honoreessi les numerosde seried origine ont eta entev m...

Page 51: ...Cubiertas Lisas Cocinando en e Homo 58 65 Horneado Cook HoHd Cook HoHd Diferido Mantener CaHiente Asar a HaParriHa ParriHasde Homo Cuidado y Limpieza 66 69 Horno AutoHimpiante Procedimientos de Limpie...

Page 52: ...apropiado Utilice este ebctrodomestico sohmente para el propOsito que ha sido destinado segun se describe en esta guia Para asegurar funeionamiento eorreeto y seguro El ebctrodomestico debe ser instda...

Page 53: ...mpa la puerta y se causen lesiones graves Para evitar posibles riesgos para el usuario y ddio al electrodom6stico no use este producto como una estufa para calentar o entibiar una habitaci6n Adem_s no...

Page 54: ...periores de ia estufa o sistemas de convecci6n para homos Ei uso de dispositivos o accesorios que no sean expresamente recomendados en esta guia pueden crear peiigros graves de seguridad afectar ei re...

Page 55: ...rante el ciclo de autolimpieza Por Io tanto se debe evitar tocar la cubierta durante un cicio de autolimpieza Aviso y Advettencia lmportante Sobre Seguridad La Propuesta 65 de la Ley de 1986 del Estad...

Page 56: hen orr ido paracantidades grandes de I quidos ANTESDECOCINAR DESPUESDE COCINAN S empre coloque un utensHioen el e_emen o superiorantesde encenoerlo Paraevitardoric a laestufa nuncaenclendaun elem...

Page 57: ...e controlsea apagado hasta queel arease hayaenfriado Net Surface Consejos para proteger la cubierta lisa Limpieza er pSgina 68 para mayor informaciOn o Antes de usar por pnmera vez limpie Ia cubierta...

Page 58: ...n fondo Loswoks con fondo apoyadoen un are piano Utensi ios para preparar eonservas y de tamales Sise usan los utensilioscorrectosse puedenahormr muchos proNemas taIcome proiongaci6ndeltiempo de cocci...

Page 59: ...nto cocinado Cancela todaslasfunciones aexcepciOn deltemporizador y e reloj Use de masTeclas o Oprimala tecia deseada o Oprima o V pareprogramareltiempo o Ia temperature o Seescuchar_unasehal sonoraca...

Page 60: ...aIatecla A o V hastaque el tiempo correcto aparezcaen el indicadorvisual Losdos puntoscontln0andestellando 3 Oprlmanuevamentelatecla Timer o esperecuatrosegundos o Losdos puntoscontin0andestellandoy c...

Page 61: ...te Preheat oprimados veees Ia tecla Bake Iuegooptima A o V hasta quese despliegueIa temperaturadeseada Siolvida apagarel homo se apagar8autom_ticamentedespues detranscurrir 12horas Sideseadesactivares...

Page 62: ...rvisual o BAKE y HOLD desteIIan Delay A Cook Hold 4 OprimaA paraprogramar a temperaturade homeado o 00 00 y HOLD desteHan o BAKE permaneceiiuminado 5 OprimaA paraprogramare tiempo de horneado o Ene in...

Page 63: P_ _nP p m 2 Retireel alimentodel horno Notes sobre Keep Warm o Paracalidad 6ptima de losalimentos losalimentoscocinados en el borne debenser mantenidoscalientesper no m_sde 1 a 2 horas ParaevKarqu...

Page 64: ...e homo a 15 C 25 F m_salta o m_sbajaque atemperatura indicada en sus recetas uego hornee Los resukadosde a prueba puedendadeuna ideade cuantoajustar a temperatura gjuste de a temperatura de home 1 Opt...

Page 65: ...osde asara la parriIIaaumentar4ny el doradoser4 m4scIarosi el eIectrodm_a6stbo es instaIadoen un circuito de 208w os o Hi se usapara a mayoffade los asadosa a parr Ha Use LO broil cuando asea a parri...

Page 66: ...mhomeado y se puede daiiar ma parte inferior dem homo Posiciones de a ParriHa PAflfllLLA 5 0a posici6n m_saIta Se usapara tostar pano asara a parriiia aiimentos delgadosno grasosos _ 3 PARRILLA4 Seusa...

Page 67: ...impie nifrote a _ _ junta situadaalrededorde a puerta det homo Lajunta est_disetiadapara sellar herm6ticamentee calor durante e cic o de impieza 5 Limpieel excesodegrasa o derrames de aparte inferior...

Page 68: paIabra LOCK est_desplegadaen el indicadorvisual Humo y Omores Ustedpuedevet humo y sentir olor las primerasvecesque el homo es limpiado Estoes normaly disminuir_con el tiempo Tambi6n puedeocurrir...

Page 69: ...edanene paiio primero NO mcie directamenta ea dpand Retirehs perillsscuandoest6nenlaposici6n OFF tir_ndo sshaciaadelante Lave enjuague y seque No useagentesdelimpiezaabrasives punspuedenrayarIssupeffi...

Page 70: ...usguey seque Parspuliry evitsrmamasde losdedos usee producto Stainless SteelMagicSpray _ PiezsNo 20OOOOO8 _ Suciedad Mediana lntensa oLirnpieconuric delossiguientes BonArni Srns tCleanser _o SoftScrub...

Page 71: ...abrasivestalescomeesponjasde restregarde lanade aceroo limpiadoresenpolvo pues ellos puedenrayarelvidrio 2 No goIpeeel viddo con elias sartenes muebles juguetes u otros obietos 3 No cierre la puerta d...

Page 72: ...Ia estufa 2 Levantelaparte delanterade la gavetay suavementeempOjelaa la primeraposici6ndetope 3 Levantelagavetanuevamentey emp_ielahastaquequede completamentecerrada Tomacorriente pata Electrodom6st...

Page 73: ...harno NOTA No se recomiendaajustarlatemperaturasi hatenido probbmascon solo unao dos recetas o Consulteelfolbto La CocinaF_cil paramayorinfarmaciOn sob_elosutensiliosde hornear Losaiimentoa no se asan...

Page 74: ...iendee ventiladorayudar_a eIiminarel humo y o el olor o Suciedadexcesivade alimentosen el panelinferior del homo Useunciclo de autolimpieza C6digosde Errores BAKE o LOCK puedendestellarr4pidamenteenel...

Page 75: ...74...

Page 76: ...abuse accidenteso uso irrazonable d Cordentee 6ctrica voItajeo suministroincorrecto e ProgramaciSn incorrectade cualquierade los controles 2 Lasgarant asquedan nulassi los n0merosde serieoriginales ha...
