upper limit for the interval between roaming scans, defined by the
Maximum Interval between Roaming Scans parameter.
To support the roaming scan mode, the following changes have been
incorporated in SW version 4.5.22:
a. A new Roaming Parameters sub-menu.
b. A new parameter (Scan Entire Sub Band) in the HDM/Flexible Hopping
Definition sub-menu.
Roaming Parameters
The roaming parameters are available in the Air Interface sub-menu of the
Advanced Configuration menu. The Roaming parameters are:
Beacon Interval Between Scan Dwells
The Beacon Interval Between Scan Dwells parameter defines the number of
beacon intervals between two consecutive scan dwells. The beacons are
sent at each 2 regular dwells, so the beacon interval is 2 times the dwell
size (the allowed dwell sizes are: 32, 64 and 128 Kilo-microseconds).
The range is from 1 to 10 Beacon Intervals, or 0. If this parameter is set to
0, it means that the roaming feature is disabled.
The default is 0 (Roaming Scan mode is disabled).
Maximum Interval between Roaming Scans
The Maximum Interval between Roaming Scans parameter defines the
maximum interval between two roaming scans. If during a roaming scan no
AU was found, and the link quality with the current AU is still below the
threshold, the SU will operate normally for a time equal to the Roaming
Scan Period. After this period the SU will start another roaming scan. If
again no AU was found and the link quality with the current AU is still
below the threshold, the SU will operate normally for 2 * Roaming Scan
Periods, and so on (each time the interval between roaming scans will be
increased by one Roaming Scan Period). The Maximum Interval between
Roaming Scans parameter sets the upper limit to the interval between two
roaming scans.
The range is from 0 to 255.
The default is 5.