5.1 MENU - This key allows the user to view / change the following:
Mode selection
Pulses per revolution
Over speed value
Output timer 2
Node number
Programmed hours
5.2 UP ARROW - This key is used to increment / modify selections and allows the user to view
either the current RPM, the hourmeter or the annunciator status.
5.3 DOWN ARROW - This key is used to decrement / modify selections and allows the user to
view either the current RPM , the hourmeter or the annunciator status.
5.4 ENTER - This key allows for selected items to be saved.
5.5 STOP - This key initiates a shutdown condition and the unit will display a status of [60]. This
has precedence over all other functions.
5.6 RESET - This key clears any faults and resets the Class B1 and B2 timers. The annunciator
displays [00] if one or more points is not armed. Once all the channels are armed, the display
reads [01]. The annunciator will power up in the RESET mode. The unit will not reset the
outputs if any of the Class A points are faulted.
5.7 TEST - This key provides for battery and operating voltage tests and also allows inputs to be
tested (faulted) without causing a shutdown. The battery in the Power Supply may be
checked when the machine is down and the display reads [00]; push and hold the TEST key -
a reading of [80] indicates satisfactory battery voltage. The operating voltage may be
checked when the machine is operating and the display reads [01]; push and hold the TEST
key - a reading of [89] indicates the operating voltage is acceptable. To test the sensor input
points, the annunciator must first be displaying [01] meaning all points are armed. Push and
release the TEST key, and the display will read [09] indicating the Test Mode. Faulted points
will be displayed but will not cause the outputs to trip. Testing an additional point requires the
TEST button to be pressed again. The annunciator will remain in test mode for two minutes
before reverting back to the running mode [01]. Any point not cleared in two minutes (either
by pressing the TEST or RESET key) will cause the outputs to trip.
NOTE: Two fault occurrences will override the TEST mode: manual STOP function [60] and
5.8 TIMER - This key allows the B1 and B2 delay timers to be viewed or modified.
5.9 KEYPAD SEQUENCE (PASSWORD) PROTECTION - From the status screen (RPM,
HOURS, or STATUS) , press and hold the ENTER key, then press the MENU key to allow
values to be modified. Otherwise, the selected items may only be viewed. There is no
keypad sequence protection for the TIMER button (Class B1 and B2 timers).
5.10 CANCEL TIMERS - From the status screen (RPM, HOURS, or STATUS), depress the
ENTER key. While holding the ENTER key, also press the DOWN ARROW key.