First of all, you should turn your Transmitter ON, then with your
-800R Receiver turned ON, press the MEM key at least for
one second. Your
-800R will automatically look for the frequency
where your
LTO Transmitter is operating. It will scan all the 12
Groups and Channels for a total of 144 frequencies available.
A.This indicates the Frequency Group. There are 12 Groups and each
Group includes 12 different channels (frequencies).
B.This indicates the Channel Number. There are 12 channels for each one
of the 12 Groups for a total of 144 channels.
C.MUTE: If the Display shows , the Mute function is disengaged. If the
display shows , the Mute function is engaged.
D.This shows the selected frequency.
E.This shows you the remaining life of the Battery of your Transmitter. 3
segments means full life, 1 segment means it is time to replace or
recharge the battery. If this icon disappeared, it means
that your transmitter is switched OFF.
F. This bar(AF) indicates the level of the audio signal coming into the Re ceiver.
G.This bar(RF) indicates the level of radio signal coming into the Receiver.
H.This indicates which of the 2 antennas is operating. Radio signal will
automatically switch from Ant 1 to Ant 2, indicating that the diversity
circuit is operating properly.
- And now, let's see the four keys in detail:
MEM key: The first function of this key is to activate the AUTO-SCAN
function. Suppose that you have more than one
LTO transmitter in
front of you with your MOD-800R Receiver and you want to start to
operate one of them with your MOD-800 Receiver.
OK, if so far you remember all the functions and features of your MOD-800
system you are ready to operate the Unit. Let's start from the Receiver:
This document applies to all
LTO Wireless Receivers used in conjunction with
LTO Handheld and Bodypack Transmitters
LTO has created and integrated a wireless microphone
system offering 16 modelling presets resulting in a range of tonal response
for a wide variety of applications. Until this innovative introduction made for
the first time in the world in a wireless system by
LTO, wireless systems
consisting of receiver and microphone transmitters produced a single sound
pattern. Each microphone capsule design, because of the laws of physics,
features its own frequency response and adds a certain tonal colour to the
signal it transmits. If you do not like the colour added, you must change
the microphone section of your transmitter, much like a painter chooses
a different colour from his palate. Many brands today offer several different
microphone capsules for their wireless systems but this flexibility is far behind
the wide choice of tones or "models", as we call them at
LTO. In fact, a
specific model of wireless microphone may be used by a male vocalist or
female vocalist during a live performance, by a Priest in a church service,
by a speaker during a seminar, by and aerobics teacher during a training
lesson, by a DJ, by a choir, by an announcer, by an auction director, we
could go on and on forever with endless applications.
It is now evident that each one of these users would benefit from a different
tone or "model". But even the same user would like to get a different voicing
or "model" depending on the style he is singing. What model serv es the music
best? It's fair to say that it will be different whether he's singing Rock, Blues,
or Folk and, of course can also change from song to song. It is unlikely to buy
several different microphone capsules in order to get diff erent tone or "model"
depending of the kind of use of performance. This would be unpractical, since
it would be impossible to change a microphone cap sule during a performance,
not to mention the cost involved.
LTO has therefore created and inte grated in some of its wireless receiv ers a
range of MODELS. Using these 16 different MODELS the user can select
different sound patterns simply with the turn of one knob. There are preset
MODELS for male and female Vocalists, DJ, Speakers, Announcers, and more.
In a few words, with the
LTO modelling technology applied to wireless systems,
the User can "fine tune" the sound of his microphone in 16 different ways.