Operation of Machine - Safety Hints
Please always observe the Rules and Regulations applicable for ejectors of liquids (high pressure cleaners), and
applicable for the machine´s connection and operation.
Ejectors of liquids (high pressure cleaners) are only and exclusively to be operated by such persons who are well
familiar, and instructed, re. this type of work.
For UK: Guidance Note P.M. 29 from the Health and Safety Executive refers to Steam Water/Water Pressure
Users should be aware of the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , and of the Electricity Special
Regulations (Factories‘ Act) 1908 and 1944.
Copies of P.M. 29 can be obtained from: The health and Safety Executive, Bayards House, 1 Chepstow place,
London W 24 TF, or from HSE area offices.
In the following some excerpts from the German Directivs for Ejectors of Liquids (high pressure cleaners):
(by the way, these Directivs can be obtained, in complete edition, from the publishing house Carl Heymanns,
Luxemburger Strasse 229, D 5000 Cologne-41, Federal Republic of Germany)
‘ . . . .The manufacturer‘ s Operating instructions are to be closely adhered to and observed. The contractor/owner
is obliged to provide for a thorough check-up of the ejector’s essential components - such as of its safety organs
(pump , hoses , spray lance) - each time prior to starting operations, so as to be assured that these safety organs
are in perfect condition. Hoses are only allowed to be fixed by the manufacturer himself, respectively by the
supplier and/or an expert. Operators have to wear the necessary protcetive clothing.
The spray lance trigger gun on/off is not allowed to be fixed in position ‘ON’. When interrupting/stopping work,
the trigger gun locking device of the spray lance is to be blocked.
The machine complies with the German Directives for Ejectors of Liquids (high pressure cleaners) . . . . ‘
The machine’s water contents is less than 10 l (miniature-type steam boiler) . Boiler type and test pressure are
complying with the German Decree covering Steam Boilers. No admission of the design is required, nor an
announcement of permission, nor an acceptance test.
The machine has to be constantly controlled, so that the personnel attending it immediately will perceive any
absence of the flame .
When switching on the burner, never lean over the exhaust gas outlet! Danger of burning and danger of
fulmination! Machines being used in flammable areas, for example filling stations and/or other dangerous zones,
are only allowed to be run - due to the possible danger of an explosion - outside of the danger zones stipulated
by the TRbF (= Technical Rules for Combustible Liquids) .
Genuine Wap Spares are to be used only and exclusively!
Cables should be properly stored when not in use.
The machine should be used, whenever possible, on level ground.
Drainage of the working area should be good.
Care should be taken to avoid spillages.
Any equipment to be cleaned, and having an electrical supply, should be always, of course, disconnected, and
all terminals sealed, or otherwise protected against fluid penetration. Before re-connection, the equipment
should be checked by an elctrician.
Operators are to be trained to follow a safe working system, and should be informed of any potential hazards.
- Supervisors should ensure that operators always do follow the safe working system.
Tap Water Feed
Connect the machine with the water tap, by a water hose of 1/2” or 3/4" .
Minimum feed at 3-6 bar flow pressure - refer 2.3 (water jet) .
Summary of Contents for CS 1020 DE
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